Anime and the 90s (introductory video)


Blue Jacket
Mar 2, 2016
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ky, usa
I'm not too sure if I had already posted this, but I'm pretty sure I haven't . Either way, here it is. This is a video project that took alot of time and patience to put together. It took me about 2 months of filming at various locations as well as the usual editing of audio and video I normally do on top of that. 

I do not know if I'll ever pursue furthering this series. It all depends really on how well it is received by others. (If it doesn't do too well, theres no point in putting effort into future episodes)

Let me know what you all think

p.s. Also, be sure to like, comment and/or subscribe to the actual page if you feel like it. It helps give me insight into what my audience prefers or likes about my content.

Ah, the 90s. My first exposure of the anime was none other than Sailormoon. Although the DiZ dub was horrid, I felt a sense of appreciation of the show at the time. It was definitely a gateway to other animated series throughout the 90s (Dragon Ball, Gundam, NGE and bunch of others that I can't recalled at the moment). 

> VHS Artbook covers

I felt it kind of disappointing that nowadays, those kind of things aren't a major factor anymore. Although I never owned an anime on VHS, I thought those puzzle-like artbook when you collected them all was pretty damn neat. Now, even if they have those, they're stupidly expensive lol..

Pretty interesting video :thumbs:
Wow, did you shoot all that B-Roll yourself? Very well done video either way! I feel so vanilla saying Pokemon was my first anime lol. I kinda miss the old days of higher quality packaging myself too, although home video as a whole is commercially shrinking across the board, even in mainstream stuff.
JamesYTP said:
Wow, did you shoot all that B-Roll yourself? Very well done video either way! I feel so vanilla saying Pokemon was my first anime lol. I kinda miss the old days of higher quality packaging myself too, although home video as a whole is commercially shrinking across the board, even in mainstream stuff.

Yeeeeeup. Everything you see was shot by yours truly. Alot of ppl think I live in the past too much (Especially true considering I still have a crt tv and a working vcr), but truth be told, I'm just a simple guy who misses a time when anime and tv culture in general was a bit more niche and coveted among the few.

Believe it or not, this video didn't blow up all that much compared to my other ones which was pretty disheartening considering this one had the most heart put into it. I really appreciate it when ppl take a moment and admire the small details like the film work i did. thx

Ah, the 90s. My first exposure of the anime was none other than Sailormoon. Although the DiZ dub was horrid, I felt a sense of appreciation of the show at the time. It was definitely a gateway to other animated series throughout the 90s (Dragon Ball, Gundam, NGE and bunch of others that I can't recalled at the moment). 

> VHS Artbook covers

I felt it kind of disappointing that nowadays, those kind of things aren't a major factor anymore. Although I never owned an anime on VHS, I thought those puzzle-like artbook when you collected them all was pretty damn neat. Now, even if they have those, they're stupidly expensive lol..

Pretty interesting video 
I'm glad I'm not the only one who misses box art
I can tell you put a lot of effort into that for sure. I might even share that somewhere, deserves a few more views than that! I feel ya on it being less popular than your others despite more going into it, one of the more frustrating thing a video maker will go through. I don't think it's living in the past too much to own a CRTV and a VCR, I do, when you own a lot of old media that's not easily replaced you almost need to. A lot of people above a certain age kinda miss those times as well, not that I don't like the present as well but it's definitely a different experience from the era of Blockbuster/Suncoast fandom. Sometimes I wonder what it was like for the really old school anime fans who used to pass around old unsubbed anime tapes the got lord only knows how and watched not understanding a word when the fandom changed to that? Lol
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