Recent content by ~ Z ~

  1. ~ Z ~

    The Reality Vortex: The Black Rose

    Zenta tilted his head, caught off guard by Vegetto Black’s resistance to his attack. Normally, it would work against people who rely on ki, but it felt as if he hit a wall. The initial shock of it caught him with an elbow to the face before being flung back. He crashed into the remaining wall...
  2. ~ Z ~

    The Reality Vortex: The Black Rose

    “Kettles, I didn’t know you had an evil twin sister! Hope you don’t mind if I bonk her head!” Asher felt the magical aura from Coella’s spell and felt invigorated! His tail whipped back and forth from excitement, and he was ready to enjoy the fight. As Coella quickly pulled Asher and Bernkastel...
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  6. ~ Z ~

    The Reality Vortex: The Black Rose

    “Aww! C’mon guys, I ain’t a kid!” Asher whined as Bernkastel and Coella stood by his side to distance him from Vegetto Black. His rainbow eyes glittered with slight annoyance. However, Asher glanced at Vegetto Black, eager to have a fight with the man, despite the danger the group was in. The...
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  9. ~ Z ~

    Knot Edible Crochet

    So, I'm testing out my commissions and seeing who wants some cute little crochet buddies. I've made many in the past, but I'll keep it simple and keep the ones I'm confident at making. This is subject to change, and I'll add more in the future. Price are subject to change. I will lay out the...
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