Z's Characters

~ Z ~

Black Jacket
Sep 3, 2015
The Cosmos~!
Name: Kiki

Age: 20-22

Gender: Female

Birthplace: Paradice

Position: Novice Mage

Height: 5'3

Weight: About 115 pounds.

Species: Human/Paradician


Weapon/Items: Kiki's Ribbon Wand and her hat, Hatty.

Personality: Kiki is a bit of a klutz and tends to make a lot of mistakes. She is a little aloof about the things around her but she tends to always do the right thing. She is very kind but can get easily get taken advantage off because of how naive she is. She isn't entirely a fool and won't fall for the same trick twice. She is a quick learner but easily fooled. Her hat talks and is another being of its own. It appears that the hat guides Kiki through tough situations but is a vast opposite of her personality. He makes slick remarks to Kiki but he does his very best in protecting her and guiding her in the right direction.

Special Abilities: Kiki has a unique ability to pull anything from her hat, Hatty. Most of the items are usually magical but she can also use the hat as storage for some items. She uses magic thanks to the Ribbon Wand she carries. Most of her attacks with her Ribbon Wand are used to tangle and ensnare her opponents with various elements (fire ropes, electric ropes, etc). Hatty is able to float and talk but when he's in trouble, he can cough out smoke to hide or make a hasty escape. Worst-case scenario, Hatty can spit up bombs, fireballs, or any of the magical items he has stored.

Magical Attacks: Kiki uses a variety of element-based snaring moves using her Ribbon Wand.

  • Fire Ribbon - Kiki sends out a fire rope to capture/harm/entrap targets. 
  • Electric Ribbon - Kiki sends out an electric rope to capture/harm/entrap targets. This is mostly used to paralyze targets or stun them
  • Slimy Ribbon - Kiki sends out a gooey rope to capture/harm/entrap targets. This is mostly used to slow down her opponents. The slime can either make the target slippery or harden to make movement difficult.
  • Healing Ribbon - Kiki uses a ribbon to heal minor wounds.

Magical Buffs/Debuffs/Status: Kiki's hat, Hatty, provides help to Kiki when she's in a pinch.

  • Storage - Kiki is able to pull anything she has stored within her hat. Things like books, scrolls, and magical items. The appears to be no limit to what Hatty can store.
  • Smokescreen - Hatty is able to cough up a smokescreen to protect Kiki.
  • Fireball - Hatty can shoot a fireball at opponents. He needs time to charge for this attack.
  • Mind Control - Hatty can latch himself on to someone's head and, for a very short while, stop the opponent from attacking. This fails if the opponent is too powerful, has a counter to it, or if Hatty is attacked. This attack leaves Hatty unable to fight, making him very vulnerable. 
  • Bite - Yes, he can bite you...somehow.

Biography: Kiki was born in Paradice, or so she claims. She doesn't exactly remember her birthplace. Kiki is skilled in using magic but she is a major klutz. She trained in the Sisterhood of White Magic for a good portion of her life until she left to find some magical herbs. She got lost and never found her way back to the Sisterhood. Along her travels, she found a mysterious hat that could talk and perform magic. The hat looked damaged so Kiki took the hat and sewed it back together using her ribbon magic. Since then, the hat thanks Kiki and vowed to stick by her side until he can find his original owner. The Hat claims that he was running away from some evil people who want to sell him. Not remembering much of his past, Kiki decides to call the mysterious hat, Hatty. 

Hatty came with a book that he cannot read. The book is written in a language that apparently Kiki can read, however, most of the spells appear too advance for her. Kiki did manage to learn the first spell and apply it to her Ribbon magic. It appears that the more spells Kiki performs, the more spells unlock within the book.
Name: Lyrik

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Height: 6'4

Weight: 145 LB

Species: Human

Appearance: (I will provide in a drawing in due time) He has dreadlocks and a baseball cap in which you can never see his eyes. He has tan-ish skin and a small jacket/vest with no shirt under. (His jacket thing is similar to that vest that Gogeta has) He has baggy pants (or sweatpants) and shoes especially made for break dancing. He has large headphones that he barely ever takes off.

Personality: He's very quiet mostly because he can't hear people since he's always listening to music. When he does speak, he is somewhat mono tuned and tends to always respond with one word at most. He is very passionate about music and knows almost everything there is to know about music.

Abilities: He is able to use any song to influence his movements and is able to delivery powerful moves to enemies by using the music he listens. He does become extremely vulnerable when his headphones are knocked off because he loses his tempo. In a sense, he break dances to beat you to submission. Of course, the song he picks can greatly influence the outcome of the battle.

Biography: I'll provide one later...
Name: Faunix 

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Height: 5'0 (5'6 if you include his horns)

Weight: 145 - 150 LB

Species: Unknown

Appearance: He has snowy white hair  on his head and a similar colored tuff of hair that hair that surrounds his whole neck.Two large pointy horns coming from his head which he uses to sometimes store things (Like sticky notes and important papers). He has the upper body of a man but the lower body of a horse/goat. He has fur on his legs that is a dark blue color. He has a short stubby tail that is blue on top and white on the bottom. He also has hooves for feet. 


Personality: He is very worrisome and tends to be the butt-monkey of most situations. He's rather smart and educated when he's not having a panic attack. He is a little addicted to work since that's mostly what he does. He likes to help people but he often gets overwhelmed by people. He likes to sunbathe and read books. He dislikes laziness and messes. He is very organized but when he's overwhelmed, he can become a mess. He has a bit of a hard time understanding the human culture.

Abilities: He can multi-task extremely well and uses his horns to sense some vibrations in the air. His main attribute is his speed. He's very fast using both his arms and legs. When he senses extreme danger to befall on Z, Shine, or Nicori, he can transform. His transformation makes his faster than the eye can see. He gets large claws on his hands, his horns get larger, and his body becomes physically stronger. This transformation only lasts for about 20 minutes.

Biography: Faunix was found by Z but prefers to work for Shine because Shine is less lazy. He traveled with Z along with several others to learn about the human culture. He's learned a lot but there is still much he doesn't know. He doesn't remember much about his past and only remembers Z helping him out in a fire that almost consumed his home. Since then, he's tagged along with her and helped her to show his gratitude. Recently, he's been friends with Shine in the Brotherhood but he doesn't mind working for both leaders. He still remains faithful to Z but has found a nice bond with Shine.
Name: Z Omni

Age: Unknown

Gender: Female

Height: 1'4

Weight: 5 pounds

Species: Unknown 


Z is a tiny, humanoid looking figure with two large, semicircle eyes. She never blinks or even open her mouth. She speaks strictly using telepathy and shows rare emotion by moving her eyebrows. Her voice is always in a slight echo. She wears a black jacket with a grey sleeveless shirt under it. The shirt has a dark green '0' on it and nothing else. Black pants and white shoes. Always had her hair in a ponytail. She has a small necklace with an unknown symbol inside of it. It's purely for display. Z also holds a giant blue pencil, known as the OmniPencil, which can draw anything that Z can think up. It can also erase anything as well. Z uses her pencil as a mode of transportation or as a chair.

Personality: Z is extremely lazy and very carefree. She doesn't seem to care about anyone with the exception of one (or two) people. Z loves to sleep and watch how the world unfolds. She tends to roam Booga to gain knowledge and find a way to cure her boredom. Z tends to get scowled by Faunix and made to do paperwork. She likes to make random portals to random places. She seems to have a bit of a rivalry with Shine from the Brotherhood but it's more of a friendly rivalry...sometimes.

Abilities: Z tends to mostly use her OmniPencil for her magic but she's proven that she doesn't need her weapon to use her abilities. She's mostly skilled in creating and erasing things as if it were on a piece of paper. She can also use her OmniPencil as a spear and is rather skilled in using it like so. She also likes to float and is rarely seen ever touching the ground.

Biography: There isn't much to know about Z because there isn't much known about her anyways. Z is a weird little thing that came from an unknown place. Z, throughout time, has learned to hone her skills and create several things which are believed to still live on the planet. Z cares deeply for a lone Alien-child she found and no one knows why. She has 'saved' three other beings and all seem to tag along and help her out.
Name: Lix

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Height: 6'3

Weight: 250 pounds (150 when transformed)

Species: Unknown

Appearance: He has cat-like ears, tiny beady eyes, and no mouth. On his right ear, he has an earring which is purely for display. the Lower-Half his body is serpentine and the upper half is more humanoid with the exception of his head which is similar to a cat. He has a collar around his neck with Z's name on it. It shows that Z owns him in some way. He has short tuffs of hair on his head between his ears. 


WHEN TRANSFORMED: The skin on his face begins to fold over his eyes and expose his razor sharp teeth. His snake-like body begins to shrink and two legs come out. Both knees are inverted backwards and his feet closely resemble that of a three-toed clawed dinosaur. His hands split open to show three very large sharp claws. He has a long, whip-like tail for balance and lashing attacks.

Personality: He is very quiet and only speaks when he absolutely needs to. He tends to mostly talk to Z and has a 'strong bond' with her. He takes it upon himself to motivate Z and make her do her job. He silently watches the world go by him and is very tolerant of his surroundings. He's harmless for the most part but whenever Z or Nicori are in danger, he instantly shows no mercy. He's very loyal to Z but will often smack her into shape when she's not doing her job. He listens to Z obediently but he does his own thing whenever she's busy. He likes to keep his fur clean and give small children/people rides on his back.

Abilities: When he transforms, he gets his senses increased tenfold but at the cost of his conscious mind. In such a transformation, he loses all control of himself and kills anything that he can sense, sometimes including friends and allies if they are not careful. He is more sensitive to noise-based attacks but immune to pain until the transformation is over. The transformation only lasts about 15 minutes.

Biography: Lix met Z a long time ago and has stuck with her ever since. Z showed Lix how powerful she was and the rest was history. Lix vows to get stronger so he can not only learn Z's secrets but kill her one day. Every time he fights with her, he always loses and never seems to understand why. He doesn't attempt to kill her at random as he did before but he often asks for a spar to the death. Z eventually accepted him as her servant and Lix protects Z, Nicori, and two others. He still wishes to one day kill Z but he is in no rush to do it.
Name: Nicori Omni

Age: 7-8 years old

Gender: Boy

Height: 4'2

Weight: 60 LBs

Species: Unknown

Appearance: Nicori has no eyes but a very large mouth with some sharp teeth in it. Every time Nicori talks, his mouth appears normal; it opens up entirely when he laughs, eats, or smiles. He's young so he's losing his teeth every once in a while but they grow back quickly. He has two ram-like horns on the side of his head. Near the top of where his horns sprout, he has two small antennae which he uses to 'see' and sense the things around him. His skin is a soft purple color and his hair a jet black color. His antennae, however, are white. Most of his hair covers his large forehead. People assume he's hiding his eyes but are surprised to see no eyes.


Personality: Nicori is a brat but only because he's been spoiled too much. He's generally a good kid and he's rather smart. He often tries to copy other people and is easily inspired by people who are strong. He is mostly nice to women (or anyone with long hair) because they remind him of Z. He's a troublemaker and often causes a lot of problems but is quick to turn and hide when things get out of control. He never hurts anyone on purpose but he's very curious and people often have to keep a close eye on him. Overall, he's just a learning, growing, and cocky brat.

Abilities: Nicori is not a fighter but his mouth and teeth can bite and chomp through almost anything. He may not be good at fighting but he is able to see in complete darkness without problems. His skull is thicker than usual so he tends to headbutt things in order to defend himself. He has a great sense of smell. He is completely worthless as a fighter.

Biography: Nicori is the 'child' of Z. He often tells people that Z is his 'Mama' but most people don't believe him because of how lazy Z is. He was found and taken care of by Z and spoiled for the most part. He's learned many things on respect, courage, and intellect thanks to the Trio that follows Z around. He loves to go on adventures and learn everything there is to know but tends to become snobby when he doesn't get his way. He's very open to the world around him and actually learns on each and every adventure he goes in. Since he is the 'child' of Z, any harm to befall upon him will be taken out by Faunix, Lix, or Gorecilia. However, if Nicori ever cries, that is the very rare moment in which Z is actually angry.

Most of the times, Nicori tries not to cry because he doesn't like to see Z mad so he tries not to get into too much trouble. Even if they wanted to make Nicori cry, no ordinary cry will make Z rush to his aid and Nicori is very aware of this. 
Name: Aquario Aurin

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Height: 5'12

Weight: Unknown

Species: Human

Appearance: He has dark blue hair wrapped in a ponytail. His eyes are an emerald green color. He's skinny and doesn't look like one to take a hit. He has a large, mage-like coat with a hoodie. He keeps the coat tied up in the middle. He has knee-high boots. He wears purple glasses to help him see. (I will provide a drawing later but for the meanwhile, this is what he more-or-less looks like. Just add glasses.)


Personality: Aquario is very serious and always seems to have a stick up his ass. He's very smart when it comes to magic and tends to always push and perfect himself. He's extremely harsh to people who do not meet up to his expectations but he's a very loyal to those that do. He teaches young mages to become better but his training is very difficult. He is a remarkably good teacher and tries hard not to show his soft side. He is afraid to show any sort of positive emotion for he believes it is a sign of weakness. For the most part, many of the mages hate him because of how much of a perfectionist he is but he seems to have a soft side under his hard shell.

Abilities: He is a strong mage and he seems to specialize mostly water-based magic but he is very versatile in his magic. He uses both his hands and his wand to use magic. Without his glasses, he is completely blind and vulnerable to any attack. (Will update later)

Biography: Aquario is the older brother of man named Blazrin and both seem to have some sort of rivalry going on. Aquario's childhood with his brother was one of battling over their parents' love. Both were loved equally but each parent seemed to have a favorite: Blazrin. Aquario was always a hard worker and thought that if he was better than Blazrin in ever aspect that he would get the respect he wants. He started to learn to use magic at a young age and perfected his first spell almost a month later all by himself. He didn't have any teacher and is an extremely hard worker. He strongly believes that hard work will beat out talent every time and that pushing oneself is the key to perfection and strength. 

He and his brother have been separated by the parents. Aquario was sent away to the Sisterhood while Blazrin was sent to the Clan of Swords.
Name: Blazrin Aurin

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Height: 6'7

Weight: Unknown

Species: Human

Appearance: He has short and spiky autumn color hair and light blue eyes. He wears a white and red vest with no sleeves or any shirt under it. The vest is mostly armor. He is very well built with a nice chiseled body. He has a red bandanna around his neck which seems to be mostly faded and stained. He has en exposed torso with a large scar over it. He wears baggy pants/cargo pants and knee high military boots (Also armor). He has a tattoo on his left arm of the insignia of the Sword Clan. He carries a battle ax on his back and a regular sword on his side. (Will provide drawing later)

A more-or-less appearance

Personality: Blazrin is very hot blooded and a little bit of a simpleton. He likes to make everything into a competition but he just wants to have fun and enjoy life to the fullest. He loves to eat and he loves to be the idol in people's eyes. He's very cocky but he does have the power to back himself up. He can be somewhat of a pervert but he never means any true harm to women. He's childish and carefree. He sometimes doesn't take things seriously but when he is on the battle field, he can't help but think it's a game until he gets seriously hurt. He loves the feeling of adrenaline. 

Abilities: He is a very skilled ax and sword user. He's faster and stronger than an average human and tends to always learn from his battle mistakes. He only needs to see a move once to think up a counter for it. However, one major weakness he has is his pride and his tendency to leave himself open many times just to boast about how strong he is. He is also reckless. However, he can certainly take a couple hits before knocking out.

Biography: Blazrin is the younger brother of Aquario and nearly his exact opposite. He looked up to his brother as a kid but then realized how much his parents seem to favor him. Eventually, he thought that he was equal, if not, better than his brother. He tried to teach his older brother fighting moves but was always shunned and always beaten by him. This got him to think that his brother didn't think that he was strong so he continued to impress his parents in hopes to have Aquario accept him as a strong brother. When he noticed that Aquario disliked him, his look on his brother changed.

When they were separated, he left to the Clan of Swords to become the best and strongest member ever known. He vowed to be even better than his brother so that one day he can beat him and forcefully earn his respect. He strongly believes that true strength is how much you are willing to risk for people.
Name: Gorecilia Omni

 - Age: Unknown

 - Gender: Female

 - Height: 15'10

 - Weight: 350 LB

 - Species: Unknown

 - Appearance: 

 - Personality: Gorecilia is a very kind spider-woman who loves to knit clothes and gore. She sometimes tends to knit little creatures' clothes or nurse them to health. She has a rather sadistic side and enjoys seeing people/things in pain. She always smiles and seems to thrive on it. However, she is very civil and usually keeps this side of her well hidden. She only shows this side when in her special room hidden within the Sisterhood that Z made for her. Only few people know of her 'likes'. She's also pretty girly and likes to have tea parties. She likes to collect seeds and flowers to plant in her garden.

 - Weapon: Gorecilia doesn't like to fight but she uses her insane strength to her advantage. Despite her size, she's pretty quick but she tires out very easily. Her snake hair can lash out and bite on to incoming people and protect her head from flying debris. The snakes have a very powerful venom that can induce paralysis on creatures even larger than her. She can use her silk threads like a whip or other sort of weapon. It's sticky, flexible, and extremely strong. The silk is very weak to fire, however.

 - Abilities/Magic: Gorecilia has a third eye under her frilly bangs which can render people to stone (like Medusa). However, Gorecilia does not like to use it because it drains nearly all of her energy and changes her appearance into a disgusting being. She uses it as an absolute last resort. While in her 'Medusa State', Gorecilia is more resistant to magic and stronger. Her hair grows longer and her third eye is the most dangerous and vulnerable thing on her body. She is also unable to see properly once her third eye is open which makes her an easier target, however, her strength is something to be feared because of the rampage she's going through.

 - Biography: Gorecilia was introduced to Z many years ago. She was fascinated by Z's tiny size that she decided to knit clothes for her. Not much is known about Gorecilia or where she came from. She only states that she came from a far away place with thick jungles that can hide a body very well. It's well believed that Gorecilia might be from a jungle but no one is sure if that jungle is even on Booga. As of now, she's currently Nicori's nanny and caregiver whenever Z isn't around and knits all the clothes he currently has.
- Name: Byll 

 - Age: 426 years old

 - Gender: Male

 - Height: 6'5

 - Weight: 210

 - Species: Mutant

 - Appearance: His face has a gas mask over it so no one knows what he really looks like. He has a creamy pink hair color that's messy and wavy. He has on a large black trench coat that covers almost all of his body. It's open in the front to show a purple skin-tight shirt. His hands have holes in which gasses and chemicals can spew out. He wears large brown boots and baggy knee-length pants. He always seem to keep his hoodie up.

 - Personality: He's very quiet and tends to look at things from the sidelines. He doesn't like it when he has to approach new people and he hates it when people give him awkward stares due to his hazmat. His voice is very raspy and almost robotic in a sense. He isn't a fan of fights but when he does fight, he makes sure to get the mission done with no mercy. He's a little sadistic in his fighting style and usually likes it when people ask for mercy while he plays or tortures them. He has an odd obsession with collecting things that are old and rusted. It's rare when he does it because he seems to be only attracted to specific objects. He is very loyal to those he trusts.

 - Weapon: He uses many chemical and poisonous gases to his advantage.

 - Abilities/Magic: He uses two holes on the palms of his hands to spray a poisonous chemical or other sort of gas. He's able to use these same gasses to alter and change the landscape around him and build a large cloud of smoke for a speedy escape. The large array of chemicals he can use are almost unlimited. He is also immune to any sort of poison or chemical attack which he can absorb through his hands/body. His body has an almost constant dense thick air around him which can make people dizzy if they stay around him for too long. His blood is extremely poisonous and can melt through metals if given enough time by how corrosive it is. He can also sink into the ground and appear behind people for a surprise attack or stealthy mission, however, it takes a great toll on his frail body. It is extremely dangerous to get near this man without any protection from his chemicals. He cannot take off his mask because he will be unable to breathe.

 - Biography: No one knows where he came from but everyone thinks he's an experiment gone wrong or the result of extreme exposure to radiation. However, his roots were believed to come from between Shina Ania and Desolate lands.
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