What Did You Do Today?

Met with my counselor from the Department of Rehab regarding job opportunities, do some spring cleaning and then some.
Woke up, went to Walmart to replace the flush mechanic, then spray outside for ants.
Woke up, checked to see how my dad is doing, open some letters, talk to Shine, and get back on schedule.
  • Doctor's appointment
  • Call some offices to reschedule appointments
  • Updated my planner to add tasks I want to get done tonight rather than tomorrow.
  • Ran errands
  • Drove and actually remembered the route without having to have my mom guide me down the roads (I have the worst memory imaginable for driving)
  • Finished half of the D.Va Nanocola challenge, all that's left is the Twitch rewards at the 6 and 8 hr tier
Helped out my dad, clean some things around the house and made a flyer for my mom's job.
Posting, working on Project Core (to fix some issues with the lightning/brightness and the sceditor)
Picked up my sister at 4:30 AM (after only getting an hour sleep), cleaned the backyard at 5:30 AM, then get two hours of sleep before taking my cousin to school, picked up breakfast for my dad and sister, then got a few moments rest before being dragged out again for the 50th times. 

I could go on and on about my day, but that day is over.... (inb4 it happens tomorrow).
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