Name: Son Goku aka Kakarot
Race: Saiyan
Kingdom: Guardia
Weapon: Staff
Discipline: Ki
Background story: A young Saiyan who lives among Humans with his twin brother Daizu. Born to Saiyan Warrior Bardock and his mate Gine and named Kakarot at birth. He was the oldest of a pair of identical twins. From his earliest moments it was appearant that something was different about "Kakarot". The baby never cried, instead just hollaring when he needed to be fed or changed, and soon afterwards he taught himself how to fly, and would often be caught trying to fed, and tend to himself. Upon learning to speak he would never refer to himself by his birthname instead insisting that he was Goku. Perplexed as his family was, they chalked it up to him being unique, and never really questioned it. In truth, since birth Goku had slowly been regaining memories of his past life, where he had been a great hero. Goku studied the world around him, trying to make sense of everything. Overtime he came to realize that everyone had been reborn, and decided to try and reconnect with everyone. He however was slowed down inhis plans by the growing bonds with his famil, and in particularly his twin brother Daizu, who reminded him of his son, Gohan... As fate would have it, war broke out and Goku and Daizu became separated from their family and somehow ended up in Guardia in the care of an elderly Human Mage named Son Gohan (much to Goku's delight.) who raised the two boys as humans. The Brothers grew up among Humans, Goku always on the lookout for old friends. Gohan trained Goku in martial artsonce again, though Goku noted that Daizu, despite going along to train with them daily, never seemed very good at it, having trouble keeping up with his twin and quickly becoming exhausted, often growing discouraged and storming off in tears. By the time Gohan started teaching the boys magic, it became apparent that Goku had the ability to manipulate Ki, a rarely seen disapline. Daizu on the other hand... turned out to have absolutely no special powers what so ever. That seemed to be the final straw, and Daizu quit his training. Goku worried about him, but really didn't know what to do to help. Gohan also seemed at a loss as to what to do about the younger boy.
It was a completely senseless act of violence that stole Goku's grandfather away from him a second time. One evening after spending the day shopping in a nearby town, the small family was attacked on the road by bandits. While Goku easily took care of his own oponants, enjoying himself, one of the men went after Daizu, meaning to kill the small boy in retribution for his men, having no time to think, Gohan threw himself in front of Daizu and took the attack full on, the blade piercing him straight in the heart, killing him instantly. Goku turned from finishing up his own fight to find his brother clinging to Gohan's lifeless body sobbing as the old man's murderer fled into the night.
After that night everything changed, Goku took on a more active role of providing for them both, hunting and fishing daily. Daizu however withdrew into himself, often refusing to eat or even get out of bed. Concerned for his brother, Goku decided that the best thing to do was move away from the house they'd shared with Gohan. So he packed up as much as he could, and moved them out to West City, hoping that he might find Bulma there. Which of course he did, three years later. (Though he could have done without being hit by her car again.) ((especially since it sent Daizu into a fullblown panic attack))
Goku managed to rekindle his friendship with Bulma. (Though Daizu openly stated that he didn't like the girl, and that he thought getting run over must have scrambled Goku's brains.) Goku paid no mind to his brother's grumpiness.
The twins stayed with Bulma's family for a while, Goku noted that Daizu had taken up an interested in engineering appearantly. Perplexed but happy that his brother wasn't shut up in his room anymore, Goku focused on getting to know his oldest friend once more.
Eventually though Goku got restless, and with Bulma's help, he tracked down a job, and rented an apartment for him and Daizu. Goku worked carrying and stacking heavy crates at a nearby warehouse. (Getting a nice workout from it in the process.) The long hours kept him away from home alot, but he figured that Daizu was old enough to tend to himself by that time.
Fast forward several years to the current day, the brothers are doing okay for themselves for the most part. Goku making enough to keep them fed and housed, with Daizu even starting to bring in some extra income from some "odd jobs"
Goku, now full grown has begun to get restless once more. Eager to find the rest of his friends and try and find out more about the new world. Rumor of The Millennial Gala, and more importantly The Great Trials has reached his ears, and spurred him into action. Taking time off work and announcing to Bulma and Daizu that he intends to travel to Tytania and compete in the tournament.
Class(es): Monk (FFXI)/Mystic
Personality: Cheerful and easy going by nature, Goku has always been rather naive. Despite having lived two lives now, Goku remains childlike and innocent for the most part. He is very protective of his brother, knowing that Daizu cannot protect himself. Goku is hard working and this time around has tried to be more responsible for his family... of one. Goku has a lot of regret over the loss of first Chichi and their boys, then his Saiyan family in this new timeline. Goku has projected a bit onto Daizu, treating him at times more like a son than a little brother. (Luckily Daizu has never seemed to mind the coddling.) Goku despite his outward airheaded behaviour has a lot going on in his head, (to the point of sometimes loosing track of the world around him.) Trying to sort out a lifetime of memories and keep them separated from the new life.
Known Weaknesses and Flaws:
•Tends zone out.
•Gets caught up in fighting.
•Needs to eat or he'll be unable to move or fight.
•Naive about a lotta things
•Is stubborn and childish
•eats a lot.
•Has completely forgotten about why he was sent back in the first place, and is now more interested in finding his friends and spending time with his twin brother than trying to remember.
Name: Son Daizu
Race: Saiyan
Kingdom: Guardia
Weapon: Dagger
Discipline: Alchemy
Background story: A young Saiyan who lives among Humans with his twin brother Son Goku. Daizu has no memories of his early childhood, his earliest memories being of training with his grandfather and brother. Daizu has lived his whole life as a human and has no idea that he is not one. Daizu was the second of two identical twins born to a Saiyan Warrior named Bardock and his mate Gine. As the youngest of the family he was coddled a lot by their mother. (Something he subconsciously still yerns for.) Daizu was always a very clever, curious cub, and this eventually led to the single most life changing event of their lives. When civil war broke out, their mother hid the boys in a small closet and then left to defend their home. Goku stayed put obediently, but Daizu's innocent curiosity at the noises he was hearing made him act. He pushed his way out of the closet and toddled off as fast as he could. Goku chasing after him in concern. Daizu managed to get out of the building, brother in tow and made it out into the war torn street. Weaving their way through a sea of fighting Saiyans, Daizu was nearly killed when an Axe came falling down from a miss swing. Goku flew forward snatching Daizu out from harm's way, only to be grazed by another attack in midair, sending them both toppling end over end into a cart, the fall knocking both small boys unconscious. The horse attached to the cart spooked at the noise of the crash behind it, and pulled free of its hobble and ran off. The spooked animal continued to run for miles until it wore itself out and slowed to a trot. A human trade caravan found it, and took it as a lucky find, only giving the baskets of Tytanian goods inside a cursorary glance before tying the cart to the back of their wagon, and heading back to the boarder...
The boys woke up the next morning, well within the boarder of Guardia. The caravan having stopped for the night. No one was awake to see the two three year old Saiyan children climb out of the cart and poke around the camp looking for food , before toddling off down the road hand in hand in search of the parents that they would never see again...
The two wandered for several days, unknowingly travelling farther and farther away from Tytania. Goku's lack of training limited his Ki reserves, leaving the two boys on foot, and unable to hunt or fly. Eventually they wore themselves out, and collapsed on the side of the road.
It was there, hovering close to death from starvation, and exposure, that they were finally found by an elderly Human Mage named Son Gohan. The old hermit, took the two dying children home, and slowly nursed them back to health.
By the time that they had fully recovered, all memories of his past had faded from Daizu's mind. Insteadthe young child lived in the moment, taking in everything around him as brand new. (Which in a sense it was.)
Growing up learning the martial arts, the disparity between Daizu and his brother, and Daizu's own natural limitations were appearant. Daizu never seemed to be able to do the things Goku and their grandfather could. Despite practicING with the two every day, he never seemed to improve. Also though, on some level Daizu hated fighting. He was afraid of getting hurt, or accidentally hurting his brother or grandfather. This seemingly irrational fear only grew as the years past, along with a deep since of inferiority and that he'd somehow let his brother and grandfather down. It reached a breaking point when Daizu failed to have Magic or Ki. Completely dispirited the boy stopped training, and at stead took to wandering the country side whilst his family was training. The night his grandfather died saving him from the bandits sent Daizu into a spiraling depression. Survivor's Guilt, and his own feelings of incompetence and worthlessness robbing the boy of all will to live. The best thing that ever happened to him was Goku moving them off Mt Paozu, to West City. Sadly the first couple of years in the city were beyond rough. The two having no real income or stable address. The struggle to just get food was desperate enough to pull on Daizu's full attention. The boy fell in with a gang of street Urchins, who introduced him to the art of pick pocketing. Daizu was finally able to start providing for him and Goku. They found anabandoned building to squat in and slowly started to builda new life for themselves. Daizu, knowing that what he was doing was wrong and that Goku would never approve, lied and said that he was doing odd jobs around the city. Goku, never having a reason before to doubt his brother, bought the story, and started looking for work too...
The second best thing to ever happen to them was Goku getting hit by an aircar. (Though the latter nearly gave Daizu heart failure, and caused the boy to suffer his first ever panic attack.)
That accident lead to both young boys being taken in by the Briefs Family, the owners of the biggest technology conglomerate in the world: Capsule Corp.
And it was there that Daizu finally found something that he loved: engineering.
Bulma (aka the inconciderate blue blob that nearly took his brother from him.) Introduced him to her father, who in turn took the young boy under his wing teaching him all about the many amazing machines Capsule Corp produced. And after arriving at a horrible conclusion: taught the boys how to read and write. It was then that Daizu found his second love in life: books. Knowledge that had before been out of his reach, and a patient mentor in the form of Dr Briefs, opened up a side of Daizu he hadn't even known he'd had. He ate his way through the Briefs Family's library at a ferocious pace. His brother seemed a bit confused by the sudden animation, but shrugged it off good natured in favor of getting to know Bulma... Something Daizu begrudgingly allowed
Finally though the set out and found their own place and Goku found a job to bring in money.
Daizu kept up with his apprenticeship under Dr. Briefs. But as time passedand the bills began to stack up, the boy fell back on old habits, and once again took up thievery to supplement their income.
When Goku announced that he was going to the Millennial Gala to compete in the tournament, Daizu, despite not being a fighter, agreed to go along... even if it was on foot...
Class(es): Thief/Engineer
Personality: A mechanical genius, and reading and music affectionado, Daizu despite his typical moody teenage ways is actually very mature and responsible for his age. He is usually very quiet and introspective. He has a lot of respect for his brother, who he idolizes. He is still carrying a lot of guilt over their grandfather's death, along with a deep seeded self-hatred; both for his own weakness, and for continuing to lie to his brother about his real line of work.
Known Weaknesses and Flaws:
• Chronic liar (though luckily not sociopathic.)
• Stubborn
• Cowardice
• Neurosis
• Kleptomania
Name: Bay
Race: Saiyan (?)
Kingdom: Central Tytania
Weapon: Bow and Arrows (Katana)
Discipline: Magic
Background story: Raditz's teammate,
Class(es): Ranger (Assassin)
Personality: he's very cheerful and bubbly, an eccentric person who has a very peculiar speech pattern. Overly friendly with seemingly no concept of personal space, he's a coward through and through. Referringto run and hide in most cases. He's contango stuffing his face with any food he can get his hands on. (Ownershipof said food being completely irrelevant.)
Known Weaknesses and Flaws:
Name: Birch
Race: Saiyan
Kingdom: Meridia
Weapon: rod
Discipline: Magic
Background story: Born into a loving family in Tytania. Birch grew up seeking the love and affection of his father, who favored his older sister Cassian. Birch would copy anything Cassian was doing pushed himself to proform well in his studies. When all of this failed to gain him any acknowledgement though, he turned to acting out instead. He was rude, agressive and argumentative to other cubs, this ending with no one wanting to be his friend, and his father still ignoring everything he did.
Heartbroken, finally heturned to his mother for affection, and that's when things turned around. His mother was very supportive (if sadly not as cuddly as he wished she was.) She got him straightened out.
With his mother's support, Birch managed to salvage his reputation and make some friends.
Life went on, Birch grew, and everything was fine...
Until the day his father failed to come home.
For weeks and weeks the family waited, and prayed for Betrote's safe return. Then, one night, Birch came home to find the house dark, and both his mother and sister dead.
Shocked the boy ran to the neighbors, crying for help. The guard arrived shortly there after, and Birch was taken away to a rookery for orphaned cubs.
Living in a small house with four other cubs, Birch tried to come to terms with the loss of his whole family as well as everyone else he used to know. Depression hit hard, and the boy once again became withdrawn and surly.
Then one day out of no where, his father appeared, and essentially kidnapped him. Taking him to Meridia, where he was then put under house arrest and put on a strict training regime.
His father seemed different... Angrier, and Birch soon learned to be wary of the man's tempers.
Still, finally being given a little attention (and at extremely rare times, affection.) The child naturally became very compliant. (Even with the stranger demands, like having to dress like a girl.)
Now nearly an adult, Birch is beginning to chafe abit. Yerning for more freedom and to make friends.
Class(es): Sage/Summoner
Personality: Though normally docile and compliant. Birch has quite the sharp tongue, and can be amazingly rude and stubborn when he wants to be. He has yet to really come in to himself due to his Sheltered upbringing.
Known Weaknesses and Flaws:
• Totally dependent on his father
• Gender Dysphoria
• Mental Immaturity due to being kept in isolation.
•Manic Depression
Name: Sans
Race: Skeleton Monster
Kingdom: Meridia
Weapon: None
Discipline: Magic
Background story: One of the few Skeleton Monsters left. He and his brother being orphaned at a young age after their father a celebrated Alchemist named [Redacted] died in a terrible magic accident, which oddly seems to have warped reality, making everyone (except Sans for some reason.) forget that he ever existed. Sans, despite his tiny size and poor health, took on the roll of bread winner, allowing his brother to enjoy his childhood, while Sans worried about finding them food and shelter. The Brothers, now full grown have begun traveling again to find work and a place to belong. Sans keeping an ever watchful eye on his at times far too naive and trusting brother...
Class(es): Scholar/Judgemaster
Personality: Sans keeps his feelings close, and his secrets even closer. He acts laid back and friendly, always ready with a pun. But he is actually very mistrustful of anyone besides Papyrus (Who is the only one who he allows physical contact.) His paranoia might seem harsh, but given his extremely fragile health, and the natural prejudice against monsters (perticularly those who look like dead humans. ) Sans is highly dependent on his brother's cheerful, confident attitude to bolster his own confidence and mood. Likewise he is very protective of the overly trusting Skeleton. Though overall being even more of a pacifist than even Papyrus, Sans is very passive aggressive to anyone who is mean, or threatening toward his brother.
Known weaknesses and flaws: Sans is extremely frail physically, having fragile bones, which are prone to breaking frighteningly easy (Papyrus has often compared them to bird bones.) And very low stamina, leading to him getting warn out easily by any sort of physical activity. Sans suffers from stress induced narcolepsy, and has bouts of crushing depression; despite his best efforts to appear cheerful and carefree, he is still grieving for their father, and is prone to nightmares.
Name: Papyrus
Race: Skeleton Monster
Kingdom: Meridia
Weapon: Bone weapons crafted from his skeleton magic/His cooking.
Discipline: Magic
Background story: Papyrus grew up on the streets with his brother. As children the two suffered a lot of discrimination due to being monsters. Papyrus wanted to prove that monsters can be good, and thus applied for the royal guard... and was denied. Again. And again. And again.
The he heard about the tournament and the chance to become a real hero. Thus he packed up his lazy bones brother and the two set out for Tytania....
Personality: Papyrus has always tried to remain friendly and optimistic despite their hardships. Papyrus, having only ever had Sans, is both attention starved, and overprotectiveof his tiny brother.
Known weaknesses and flaws: