~Sukichu~'s Characters


Sep 4, 2015
The Pumpkin Patch
Is your character an OC or Actual "Canon" Character?: OC

Have you checked to see if the character you are requesting is free? (ignore [mostly] if OC): Ye.

Name: Youko

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Height: 5'3

Weight: 145

Species: Human (Monk)


Personality: Youko is normally a passive woman who prefers to take a step back and calmly try to rationalize through arguments and tough situations, but will act in self defense if absolutely necessary; if she feels threatened and cannot talk her way out of the situation being an example. Youkou is a cheery person with a kind heart who is more than willing to help those in need, but is a child at heart and thoroughly enjoys certain things that most adults would not. She's a fairly optimistic individual who looks for the good in everything and everyone while maintaining a sense of peace and harmony within herself. Youko is very well disciplined and treats other people around her with as much respect as humanly possible while being known to be a fairly intelligent and gentle individual who generally has a calm head on her shoulders.

Attacks (Attacks are abilities that will harm your opponent): 

- Most forms of known Martial Arts
- Knowledge of pressure point location
- Staff use

Abilities (abilities to buff, debuff, basically anything that doesn't harm your opponent): 

- Tai Chi
- Basic knowledge of medicines
- Meditation 
- Self defense
- Agility

Mixed Abilities (Abilities with both a support and offensive use):

Items (what does your character have on you? Try to limit it to 2-4 items): Staff, medical supplies and herbs.

Biography (1-2 paragraphs explaining your character's history): Youko grew up in a temple that not too many people knew about around the time that a monk had found her placed in a basket in an alleyway somewhat near said temple, but as she grew older and more people were living within the village, the more the temple became known the people and every once in awhile, the monks of the temple would get visits from the sickly homeless people of the area and they would be taken in as long as they needed to recover. This is where Youko began to learn how to use herbs for medicinal purposes along with her learning the ways of a monk as well as partaking in the martial arts that the temple taught its children and she eventually became known as the temple flower due to her kind heart and willingness to help those within the temple who seemed to be struggling as well as the sick. Eventually, the woman felt it was time for her to explore more lands to gather the knowledge she craved ever since she was a young girl and once she obtained the permission of the higher monk of the temple, she started off on her journey.
Is your character an OC or Actual "Canon" Character?: OC

Have you checked to see if the character you are requesting is free? (ignore [mostly] if OC): Yes.

Name: Alurora

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Height: 5'0

Weight: 130

Species: Half Elf, Half Human

Appearance: Alurora has red/blonde hair that reaches down to the mid-section of her back along with amethyst colored eyes in which she inherited from her mother(the elven parent). She has a slim figure and a small frame, is a bit on the tan side complexion wise and although she looks a bit on the frail side, she is more than capable of holding her own. She is normally dressed in just a t-shirt, a pair of kapris and she prefers to wear no shoes unless she absolutely has to; in the case of travelling for example in which, she wears a pair of sandals. She has a decent sized scar on her right leg and she wears a pendant that her grandmother on her father's side gave her when she was young.

Personality: Alurora is a soft-spoken individual with a cautious nature, but has a spark in her that yearns for knowledge and adventure that seems unquenchable more than half the time. However, she is a fairly cheery and optimistic individual who tries to carry herself with a confident stride, but more than half the time isn't necessarily successful in such. She's a kind hearted and loving individual who enjoys meeting others, it just takes her a little longer than others to open up and begin to trust people due to how little interaction she has had with other people besides her family and the townsfolk.

Attacks (Attacks are abilities that will harm your opponent):

- Knowledge using a sword
- Fist fighting

Abilities (abilities to buff, debuff, basically anything that doesn't harm your opponent):

- Self Defense
- Ability to talk to animals
- Defensive elven magic against certain magical attacks
- Quick on her feet
- Able to see in dim-light provided her eyes aren't already strained

Mixed Abilities (Abilities with both a support and offensive use):

Items (what does your character have on you? Try to limit it to 2-4 items): Sword, backpack with necessities such as food and water.

Biography (1-2 paragraphs explaining your character's history): Alurora was born to a family of five with her mother(an elf), her father(a human) and her two elder siblings making her the youngest of her family. Along with that, she was born a little earlier than expected, so in her younger years she was seen as frail and was normally kept indoors to prevent too much harm from befalling her. As she grew older, however, Alurora's desire to go outside and wander became more and more dominant until finally her mother allowed her to venture into town under the circumstance that she stayed out of situations that looked relatively unsafe. One particular day when she was outside her home doing shopping for her father, there was an attack in the town by some people she hadn't seen along with creatures that she had also never seen or heard of; her mother teaching her most of the dangers of the world due to her history of travelling. While trying to sneak away undetected, one of the creatures had been able to sense her out and gave chase to the girl, eventually cornering her in an alleyway with a gate, then in attempt to escape, Alurora tried scrambling up it only to have the creature leave a decent sized gash in her right leg before she was able to get fully over the gate. After such events, one of the townsfolk had to help her home in order to have her wound tended to and as a result, her parents felt it time to teach her to both defend herself as well as take an offensive side on things in the circumstance that defense would just not work out. While her mother taught her the ways of defensive elven magic, her father taught her how to properly use a sword as well as physical self defense and how to use her fists and eventually Alurora reached a point to where she was sufficient enough to be able to hold her own in most circumstances, provided she wasn't injured. This was also the point in time where her mother introduced Alurora to a fox that was soon after meeting named Red and the two quickly became friends; learning that she could speak to animals a good while after meeting the creature. Eventually, Alurora was allowed to venture farther away from home until the day came that both her parents allowed her to wander as far as she wanted, provided she come home and visit and to this day, you might see her wandering through some near-by woods or venturing into other towns to gain the knowledge she so craved as a child.
Is your character an OC or Actual "Canon" Character?: OC

Have you checked to see if the character you are requesting is free? (ignore [mostly] if OC): Yes.

Name: Serene

Age: Appears around the age of 18-19, but is 120

Gender: Female

Height: 5'4

Weight: 150

Species: Witch


Personality: Noel is a cheery individual who normally can be the life of any party, but she has a history of being known as the "prankster" of people who know her(her coven currently) while being very headstrong with an adventurous spirit that doesn't let anything bring her down. She can be seen a bit on the dark side when she's annoyed or angry, but it can be worked around if you're careful. Noel has a fierce determination to get what she wants no matter who or what it is that stands in her way. She's a fairly headstrong woman who doesn't generally listen to the advice of other people, but will if she trusts the person/people enough. Underneath, she can be a fairly generous soul who enjoys the company of other people, but doesn't necessarily feel comfortable going into detail about herself and in the circumstance the subject is brought up, Noel either ignores it and changes the subject, or winds up a story for the person/people asking.

Attacks (Attacks are abilities that will harm your opponent):

- Pumpkin Barrage: Summons numerous small pumpkins that will barrage an opponent on command; causes a decent amount of damage depending on how many pumpkins are summoned
- Swarm of Bats: Summons a swarm of bats to obscure the vision of an opponent for a very small amount of time; bats can cause a small amount of damage with their claws

Abilities (abilities to buff, debuff, basically anything that doesn't harm your opponent):

- Screeching Skeleton: Emits a high pitch noise that temporarily stuns an opponen; causes no damage
- Halloween's Veil: Summons a magick barrier which defends her from some magick spells(some can break through)

Mixed Abilities (Abilities with both a support and offensive use):

Items (what does your character have on you? Try to limit it to 2-4 items): Pumpkin wand, Broomstick, Ghost shaped amulet

Biography (1-2 paragraphs explaining your character's history): Noel comes from a decent sized line of witches that wasn't necessarily too well known due to their purposeful seclusion from the world outside of what their comfort zone was(Noel coming in as a young girl; being taught their ways) and for a good amount of time she stayed within the coven, but as the years started to go by, her curious nature would begin to get the better of her and she would sneak out and wander around whenever she would get the chance to do so, then she eventually fought for the permission to wander around outside the coven for as long as she wanted(the head of her coven being slightly off-put by her desire) under the circumstance that she spoke no word of them and checked in with one of the members when she was able to, which she agreed to. Before leaving, she was given a cat as an animal companion to accompany her on her travels and has since upheld her word.
Is your character an OC or Actual "Canon" Character?: OC

Have you checked to see if the character you are requesting is free? (ignore [mostly] if OC): Yiss

Name: Constance

Age: Actual age is unknown, but physically appears to be in her mid-teens

Gender: Female

Height: 5'2

Weight: 135

Species: Demon


Personality: Constance is one of the kinder demons, which leaves her open to being more easily manipulated by those who don't share her kindness, which is why she has a cautious nature about her and is very selective on who she chooses to surround herself around and prefers to observe situations from afar to determine whether or not she should get herself involved in said situation(s). Despite this, Constance does have a nasty side to her, which only really shows itself if she lets herself go hungry for too long, or is in a situation where she feels threatened to the point in which she feels she is unable to defend herself; the stronger side of her. With this side, Constance is a little trickier to persuade and can come across as sarcastic and cold, with a bit of malevolence who has no regard for the lives of anything or anyone around her unless they prove some form of use to her. 

Attacks (Attacks are abilities that will harm your opponent):

- Summon the hound: Constance has the ability to summon a small or medium sized demon hound to protect/attack for her if she is unable to defend herself
- Black energy: Constance can conjure a small ball of dark energy in the center of her hand and fire it at an enemy, she can hold it in her hand up to twenty five seconds, before it explodes in her hand.
- Enhanced strength: Constance has more strength than the typical human being, but is slightly weaker than the normal strength of a demon
- Enhanced durability: Constance can last longer in battles than a normal human and some demons

Abilities (abilities to buff, debuff, basically anything that doesn't harm your opponent):

- Agility
- Constance is able to hide her horns as well as make them visible given that she has enough concentration to perform the task
- Sharp eyesight
- Barrier of the Depths: Constance has the ability to summon a small barrier like object to reflect incoming projectile objects only of small and medium size; cannot block magick attacks
- Fleet of Foot: Constance is able to run at a speed that surpasses the fastest human and some demons' speeds.

Mixed Abilities (Abilities with both a support and offensive use):

Items (what does your character have on you? Try to limit it to 2-4 items): Poison dagger

Biography (1-2 paragraphs explaining your character's history): Most of Constance's backstory is unknown, but what little knowledge that has been obtained has shown that she at one point had a family, until a demon hunter had found about their whereabouts and in their desperation to protect their only child, Constance's parents had her hidden away while they tried to fight off the demon hunter, soon after getting ambushed by the demon hunter's team. At that point, Constance fled from her home in search of a safer place and eventually was able to find another of her kind to take her in and raise her as their own, eventually learning how to use what powers she had to defend herself as well as assault anyone who attacked her and now currently wanders, but generally prefers keeping herself to the shadows as much as she can to avoid getting in sticky situations, unless she has little to no choice in getting involved.
Is your character an OC or Actual "Canon" Character?: OC

Have you checked to see if the character you are requesting is free? (ignore [mostly] if OC): Ye

Name: Artemis

Age: Physically appears 18.

Gender: Female

Height: 5'6

Weight: 145

Species: Dark Witch

 (Also has a brand on the back of her neck and a small gash underneath her right eye)

Personality: Artemis comes across as cold and detached no matter what you throw at her, showing no regard for the people around her and prefers the observation side of things, but has little to no trust in those she meets on an off circumstance. She's a cool-headed woman that is fairly intelligent, but she prefers to keep quiet unless spoken to, or she feels the need to insert an opinion. However, Artemis has a particularly dark nature about her; having little to no issues with mentally torturing someone or even physically harming them if she is so provoked.

Attacks (Attacks are abilities that will harm your opponent):

- Spiritual Manipulation: Artemis' magic has the potential to manipulate spirits, provided that they are not high classed spirits or high classed demons
- Elemental Magick: Artemis can call upon the magic of Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit to aid her in battle.
- Black Magick: Artemis can perform spells that can curse or harm her enemies

Abilities (abilities to buff, debuff, basically anything that doesn't harm your opponent):

- Healing Magick: Artemis has some knowledge in basic healing magick; able to heal cuts and some gashes, but cannot heal a broken bone or anything above.
- Spiritual/Ritualistic Magick: If she is able to obtain a meditative state, Artemis can communicate with the spirits on the Other Side to assist her with certain tasks, provided she is able to fulfill their requests in return.
- Aura Sensibility: With enough concentration and practice in her youth, Artemis is able to see/sense auras from most beings.

Mixed Abilities (Abilities with both a support and offensive use):
- Gray Magick: Magick which Artemis can use to either support her allies, or harm her enemies

Items (what does your character have on you? Try to limit it to 2-4 items): Daggers and a staff

Biography (1-2 paragraphs explaining your character's history): Artemis has a family history of dark magick users, her mother being one of them, but while she was younger she tended to stray away from magick altogether in fear that she might harm those she cared about despite the abuse that her mother brought to her in response of her reluctance in following the path of the dark witch. As she grew older, however, the abuse being given to her by her mother began drawing closer and closer to Artemis' line of snapping until she eventually broke and began studying the darker sides of the dark witch behind her mother's back. One night while the mother was asleep, Artemis tried to summon a powerful demon to eliminate her mother once in for all, but due to the lack of knowledge she'd been able to gain, the summoning spell rebound and instead harmed the caster and brought her into the world in which the demon resided. The demon promised to grant her all she desired in the ways of the magick, in return for her loyalty and cooperation in its' deeds, which... in her current mind set, Artemis thought seemed the best course of action and once agreeing to the terms, she was then branded with the mark of the demon on the back of her neck that brought so much pain, she passed out. When she finally came to, Artemis noticed that her mother was missing, but unsure of where the woman could have gone which led her to search the entire house until she came across the basement in which she was told never to enter until she joined the side of the dark witch and once entering, she saw her mother hung up against the wall with slashes all over her body, but the woman was still alive. “Even the strongest of wills can be broken child... you have crossed over despite your stubborn will not to.. I’ve done what I was commanded to by the Goddess.” was the last thing the mother told her child before the life finally left her eyes. This left Artemis in a state of confusion and disbelief, unwilling to believe what she had done and what her mother had just told her... in her desperation to get out of this, Artemis sought to end her own life with the same means that took her mother’s life, but was almost instantaneously brought back to the demon’s world and had her arms and legs restrained by a powerful magick that not even she had heard of. “We have made a deal girl... I cannot have you going around and taking your life over some silly incident that you wished to come to fruition. It seems I will have to keep you here until you come to terms of the situation that you are now in.” was the last thing she heard before she was transported into a hell-ish territory. A few years went by before Artemis was transported back to her own world and at this point, she had little to no emotions to show; her time within what she called “The Void” sapped away all the emotions she had as a child as well as growing up. She eventually was able to regain parts of her actual personality back, but she had been for the most part changed in such a way to where it could not be reversed. From the current point of time and onward, Artemis was instructed to travel to an area known as Wellspring where she would find a forest to dwell in until further instruction and this is where she now resides with the companion raven she was provided.
Is your character an OC or Actual "Canon" Character?: OC

Have you checked to see if the character you are requesting is free? (ignore [mostly] if OC): Ye

Name: Dawn

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Height: 5'0

Weight: 140

Species: Ghost

Appearance(Physical appearance):

Personality: Dawn is one of the more cheery ghosts, but prefers to keep her distance from those who wander around close to her home due to the fact that she is unsure whether or not they would have a positive reaction to what she really was. Despite this, she's an adventurous girl who will go wherever she can, albeit her travelling more-so happens at nighttime when little to no one is out, or in an abandoned area where she generally likes to spend her time. She will play tricks on people she sees being mean to others, but other than that she's a fairly kind and warm being who wants nothing more than to make friends. She also loves to be silly as well as make any of her friends smile, but generally stays away from people in which she deems unsafe, instead keeping herself hidden from that person/those people.

Attacks (Attacks are abilities that will harm your opponent):

Fist fighting
Ghostly Spear: Dawn summons a spectral spear to aid her in fights
Trap setting: Dawn has the knowledge and the ability to set traps
Spectral Ball: Dawn summons a spectral ball to her hand and throws it at an enemy to cause damage

Abilities (abilities to buff, debuff, basically anything that doesn't harm your opponent):

Disguise Form: Dawn has the ability to shift from her ghostly form to a physical form, so she is more able to interact with the living
Limbs begone!: In her physical form, Dawn has the ability to remove one limb(usually an arm)
Transparent: In her ghost form, Dawn is able to go through items as well as people, but only in this form
Ghostly Shriek: In her ghost form, Dawn lets out a high pitched shrieking noise(similar to a ghoul) that temporarily deafens an enemy; lasts about 3-5 seconds depending on the enemy the debuff is cast on.

Mixed Abilities (Abilities with both a support and offensive use):

Ghostly Needle Veil: Dawn is able to summon a veil like substance to cover her or an ally for protecting, but can also cast a needle like object from said veil to cause damage to enemies.

Items (what does your character have on you? Try to limit it to 2-4 items): Ghost puppet

Biography (1-2 paragraphs explaining your character's history): Dawn doesn't remember much of anything of her life before passing, but is able to re-call the exact method in which she was killed. She had been attacked by a group of adults(known around the area to kidnap young girls and boys and sell them off) when she was on her way home from school; trying to escape from them, but had been tackled to the ground and promptly knocked out. By the time she woke up again, Dawn was in an unfamiliar place surrounded by unfamiliar people who kept her in what she saw as a caged area. She eventually managed to escape in the dead of night, but due to the unfamiliarity of the place, she had no idea as to which way she needed to go in terms of safety; making her way to a highway and before she could turn, a car honked its horn and rammed her, causing her to be thrown a good few feet away before landing headfirst onto the street.
[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Is your character an OC or Actual "Canon" Character?: OC[/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Have you checked to see if the character you are requesting is free? (ignore [mostly] if OC): Yes[/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Name: Celestine[/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Age: Unknown[/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Gender: Female[/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Height: 5'6[/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Weight: 155[/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Species: Angel (Warrior)[/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Appearance:

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Personality: Celestine has a strong sense of justice and is a fairly diligent being to her tasks as well as tasks to others under her. She has a strong will and fire burning in her to bring justice to those who deserve it as well as punishment for those who deserve it, but she can come off as a little too serious for her underlings as well as some of her superiors which can sometimes be a little off-setting. Despite this, Celestine genuinely cares for her fellow angels as well as humans, unless they stray away from the path and have no wish to repent and is one of the bravest of her brethren, taking on any challenge given to her without even the bat of an eyelash; always ready and willing to take on a task.[/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Attacks (Attacks are abilities that will harm your opponent):[/font]

- Spectrum of the Divine: Celestine summons a ball of light and casts it upon her enemies to deal damage
- Spear of the Righteous: Celestine summons a spear of light to chuck at enemies
- Summon companion: Summons a snowy own to aid her in battle

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Abilities (abilities to buff, debuff, basically anything that doesn't harm your opponent):[/font]

- Enhanced sight/hearing: Celestine has better eyesight/hearing that a human being
- Holy Perception: Celestine is able to detect the presence of other beings in the general area
- Telekinesis: Is able to move objects and certain beings with her mind
- Shield of the Protector: Summons a shield to aid her in battle; defends against weapons
- Light of the Devoted: Celestine is able to heal an ally of most afflictions; broken bones excluded

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Mixed Abilities (Abilities with both a support and offensive use):[/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Items (what does your character have on you? Try to limit it to 2-4 items): Sword and hand axe.[/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Biography (1-2 paragraphs explaining your character's history): Celestine serves as one of the captains of the guards in which watches over the gates of Heaven that allows those who have passed on to enter, or deny those whom are unworthy of entrance. She normally gets sent off on missions in which not most angels would dare ever accomplish due to her bravery and willingness to dive into situations in which no one else would want to get into and usually emerges with little to no harm; one particular instance, however had left her unable to leave Heaven for a couple of months in order for her to recover and such instance is one that Celestine as well as the other angels never speak of, due to the severity of the mission.[/font]
Is your character an OC or Actual "Canon" Character?: OC

Have you checked to see if the character you are requesting is free? (ignore [mostly] if OC): Yes

Name: Frost

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Height: 5'2

Weight: 145

Species: Human (Demon hunter)


Personality: Frost is known to be spunky and a bit on the quirky side, but she gives whatever task she is given her all and can easily step up to the task. She's recognized as a natural born leader and despite her spunk, Frost is rather analytical and tries to observe the situation to gather information before going into the fray, unlike most of her colleagues who tend to take a head-first approach to matters, but is also known to be an intelligent and quick-witted woman. When it comes to topics, Frost will gladly enter a debate on subjects and can normally give a decent amount of opinions and/or facts depending on the subject, though she can be a bit stubborn and sometimes it can be hard to get through to her if she's sure on something being the answer, but eventually opens up and listens. However, she is also known to be a particularly blunt person and will not hesitate to point something out that she notices if the other person/people involved had not already noticed, but underneath it all, Frost is a cheery and optimistic person; despite her past.

Attacks (Attacks are abilities that will harm your opponent):

- Pressure point knowledge
- Purge: Frost is able to execute a move in which expels a demon from another person's body, or injures a demon a great amount, but cannot kill them with the ability.
- Binding Light: Frost has enough knowledge in magick to summon a ball of light in which she can throw in the direction of an evil or demonic entity to cause burning damage.
- Fight fighting
- Scythe knowledge

Abilities (abilities to buff, debuff, basically anything that doesn't harm your opponent):

- Aura Sensibility: Frost is able to detect the aura and presence of another being, be it human/demon/angel/etc.
- Night's Veil: Frost is able to conceal her own aura from being picked up, but only for a certain amount of time and is only able to conceal her presence from up to middle classed demons/beings. (Up to a maximum of 5 minutes and it eats at her stamina a tremendous amount)
- Fleet of Foot: Frost is usually always on her feet due to the training she received, as such she is able to move relatively quickly around beings and obstacles, but can be stopped in her tracks with a trap or other means of slowing someone down.
- Seal: Frost knows an array of sealing magick that works on demons, but only lesser and mid-powered demons. (Cannot seal away a high classed demon)

Mixed Abilities (Abilities with both a support and offensive use):

- Interrogate/Assist: Frost has an ability to seal a demon on a spot for one minute to gather information out of, if at all possible. This can also be used to place a seal under an ally to move them out of harms way. (Can only use assist in special circumstances)

Items (what does your character have on you? Try to limit it to 2-4 items): Scythe, amulet

Biography (1-2 paragraphs explaining your character's history): Frost doesn't know too much about her parents, due to her being taken away from them at a young age and had been taken to a different area entirely with what she believed to be her grandparents. Years later, she found out that the elderly family that raised her were in fact part of a ritualistic cult to sacrifice children to powerful demons in order to gain power and immortality for their deeds. After gaining this knowledge, Frost took it upon herself to escape from the place she was raised in order to find her parents in hopes that they were still alive. Eventually, she stumbled upon her hometown that by some miracle she had remembered and began asking the members of the town about a family that had a child that had been taken away from them when the child was young; eventually coming across some information and was eventually led to where her birth parents were last seen. Upon entering the home, however, the smell of blood and bodily fluids were evident all throughout the house which in turn made her rush inside to investigate to only find a man and a woman lying on the ground in a grotesque matter. 

Horrified, the girl fled the home and before reaching the outside of the town, bumped into a man who appeared to be in his mid to late twenties. After some coercion, the man was able to have Frost agree to showing him to the home, but she refused to step inside. The man eventually stepped out of the home after what seemed an excruciating amount of time to the girl and with a solemn tone, explained to her that the couples' death was the work of vengeful demons. Upon hearing this, Frost's emotions became unstable; reminding her of her time with the elderly couple who only seemed to be prepping her for something she had not seen until this very day. This ultimately threw her into a breakdown which lasted an hour until the man was finally able to get through to her and offer her a place of shelter and refuge in her time of need, under the circumstance that she be willing to follow their way of demon hunting, to which she agreed very quickly. As the years went by, Frost's personality as well as outlook on life changed, but the ugly feelings she held for demons did not; merely learning to control her emotions more, so they would not get in the way. In the current time frame, Frost is travelling around with a provided wolf companion taking on jobs that she has been assigned by her superiors.
[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Is your character an OC or Actual "Canon" Character?: OC[/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Have you checked to see if the character you are requesting is free? (ignore [mostly] if OC): Yupperoni[/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Name: Melody[/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Age: 19[/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Gender: Female[/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Human height: 5'4[/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Human weight: 145 lbs[/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Dragon height: 6'3

Dragon weight: 300 lbs

Species: Dragon shifter[/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Human Appearance:

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Dragon Appearance:
(Think of her Dragon form like this, but in a medium size, unable to find anything smaller.)[/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Personality: Like her name, Melody is a fairly happy and optimistic woman who enjoys the company of others, even if they happen to be strangers. She is known for a gentle aura about her and generally tries to have a cool-head about things. However, she is prone to bouts of rage in which she isn't exactly able to control and her stubbornness came come into play during these times. While she isn't necessarily the leader type, she isn't a full follower either, preferring to take her own route with things and taking advice from others to improve herself, making her a rather independent young woman. A great fear of hers, however, is her ability as a dragon shifter being discovered and if questioned about such kinds of things, she can turn slightly defensive and unwilling to talk about the subject.[/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Attacks (Attacks are abilities that will harm your opponent): [/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]-[/font][font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif] Elder's strength: In her human form, she has slightly more strength than that of a normal human being, but it is most dominant in her dragon form. [/font]
[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]- Frost Dragon's Breath: [/font][font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]In her dragon form, Melody breaths out ice to freeze her opponents, or cause damage. [/font]
[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]-[/font][font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif] Martial Arts: [/font][font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Melody has knowledge in martial arts; only uses in human form[/font]
[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Abilities (abilities to buff, debuff, basically anything that doesn't harm your opponent):[/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]- Senses of the Dragon: Due to the dragon blood in her veins, Melody has enhanced senses such as sight/hearing/smell.[/font]
[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]- Ice Elemental: Her father having been an ice dragon, Melody is able to use the powers of ice/snow.[/font]
[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]- Dragon's Rage: The more enraged Melody becomes, the closer she gets to changing into her dragon form; eyes changing from green to black the higher her irritation is. [/font]
[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]- Meditation: Melody has been taught the art of meditation to help contain her rage in most situations[/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Mixed Abilities (Abilities with both a support and offensive use): [/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]- Dragon's Roar: In her dragon form, Melody emits roar loud enough to temporarily deafen an enemy to set them off track; allowing her allies to escape from sticky situations.[/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Items (what does your character have on you? Try to limit it to 2-4 items): Katana[/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Biography (1-2 paragraphs explaining your character's history): Born to a human mother and dragon father, Melody for most of her life had little to no idea about who her father actually was, despite him being around all her life and she lived her life just as any normal child would. Around the time she started maturing is when the dragon blood within her had begun to stir, her mother and father both beginning to notice the at first subtle changes within their child, the first being she seemed to be a bit stronger than most children her age as well as her sight beginning to be a bit more advanced. The older she got, the more dominant these traits became until one day, she and one of the neighboring children got into a rather nasty argument, the other child being known to bully Melody, pushed the girl to the ground and in which caused her to jump back up and instead of the normal composure she had, she became enraged and attacked the child; injuring him a great amount before he eventually ran off. However, she was still unable to calm herself down until the point in which her figure changed from that of a human to a dragon. The town was outraged at this discovery, her parents finding out shortly after the incident and her mother was the one to breakdown at the sight of her daughter's figure, not understanding what was happening while her father looked distraught and somewhat guilty about the situation. [/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]After being helped to calm down, Melody's father brought her aside while her mother was asleep and came clean about who he really was. He explained that within the area in which his kin were from, it was a taboo among them to mate with humans; him not seeming to bother given the fact that he was in his youth. Upon the time she was born, her father lost his powers and form as a dragon, but instead Melody took the powers and they only grew stronger as she gained age. Terrified at first, Melody was unsure what to do at this point, knowing that the town was now after her, she begged her father for help due to her desire to not be taken away from her parents and eventually, he was able to hide her away in their home and he was able to help at least semi-control her rage; that being what triggers the shift from human form to dragon form as well as how to use certain abilities in which she had in said form. By the time she reached adulthood, Melody had a decent amount of control over her dragon side, but would sometimes slip due to the bitterness she held towards her father's blood and had to be taught meditation in order to help calm herself down. Sadly, her mother eventually discovered that her father was keeping their child in a hidden part of the home and chased Melody out, telling her never to return and to this day, the girl wanders around trying to find somewhere she can feel safe and wanted.[/font]
[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Is your character an OC or Actual "Canon" Character?: OC.[/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Have you checked to see if the character you are requesting is free? (ignore [mostly] if OC): Yes.[/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Name: Felix[/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Age: Actual age is unknown, physically appears to be in his early to mid-twenties [/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Gender: Male[/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Height: 6'0[/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Weight: 165[/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Species: Demon (High class)[/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Appearance:

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Personality: Felix is a fairly sly and cunning individual who will more than gladly take advantage of a situation if he sees that it will benefit him in any way, shape or form possible. He's quick witted and loves to play mind games with others, using his intelligence as a mean to get ahead of the game. He comes off as a rather cold and heartless individual who really only cares about what will get him in the least amount of issues, but still step in when he absolutely has to. He has been known to take advantage of other lesser beings in their time of need, as well as his own kind which makes him not the most favorable being, but he has a smidgen amount of respect due to his abilities.[/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Attacks (Attacks are abilities that will harm your opponent): [/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]- Hellish manipulation: Felix summons a ball of utter darkness to the center of his hand and is able to either throw it an an opponent to cause damage, or have it come out as a beam of darkness. [/font]
[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]- Hell fire: Felix is able to manipulate a small flame of hell into his hand that can be tossed at an enemy to deliver fire damage.[/font]
[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]- Summon Reuben: Felix is able to summon his demon hound to either track potential prey, or assist him in a fight.[/font]
[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]- Weapon manifestation: Felix summons weapons to aid him in battle(normally a sword).[/font]
[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]- Demonic illusion: Felix casts a horrific illusion upon a being that is equivalent to the being or beings worst nightmare(s) to put them in a fear like state for up to two minutes(does not work on high classed demons/beings).[/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Abilities (abilities to buff, debuff, basically anything that doesn't harm your opponent): [/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]- Teleportation: Felix has the ability to teleport from one spot to another. [/font]
[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]- Enhanced strength: Felix has strength that surpasses that of a lower and middle classed(as well as a very small amount of high classed) demons, due to Felix himself being a higher classed demon. [/font]
[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]- Enhanced durability: Felix is able to withstand blows that lower and middle classed demons would be unable to. [/font]
[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]- Flight: Felix is able to manifest his wings and fly. [/font]
[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]- Mark of the Demon: Felix makes contracts with mortal beings who seek more power. [/font]
[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]- Possession: Felix is able to take possession of a mortal whom he has a contract with.[/font]
[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]- Summon Marked: Able to summon those whom he is contracted with to his realm if he so sees it fit.[/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Mixed Abilities (Abilities with both a support and offensive use): [/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]- Demonic veil: Felix manifests a shield to protect him or a marked being(if he is around the being) from most spells/demonic powers(cannot protect against high classed magic/high classed demon magic) and casts it back at the enemy.[/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Items (what does your character have on you? Try to limit it to 2-4 items): Small bag with a special powder, small sword.[/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Biography (1-2 paragraphs explaining your character's history): Felix is the unknown elder brother of Constance that was cast away by their parents due to fear of him becoming too powerful for them to manage and were fearful for their own lives(he however had been able to see his sister be born, unknown by the parents). Felix was then adopted by a family of stronger demons who then taught him how to manifest his powers in order to reach higher in the ranks of the demons until as he reached an older physical appearance, he was able to reach the status of one of the strongest demons within the territory.  He then began to be trained in the areas of human possession as well as taught the ability to make a contract with a person whom desired even more power, under the condition that the being served the demon as long as they lived and soon proved to be rather efficient in the area and was conjured a small realm of his own to dwell in. Around this time, he was able to track his  birth parents down and gave information to a local demon hunter in order to wipe them out due to a bitterness he held, but after hearing his sister escaped from the assault, he made it a personal mission to track her down on his own terms.[/font]
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