This is a small fanfiction I was working on for a small while and it's based off a dream I had. It's essentially about my character and one of my favorite OPM characters, Genos. That's all I'll say so I hope you enjoy. Feel free to leave feedback! 
This is a small fanfic about a character of mine in the universe of One Punch Man. I do not own One Punch Man in any way, all credit goes to ONE.
I hope I kept Genos in character as best I can.

This is a small fanfic about a character of mine in the universe of One Punch Man. I do not own One Punch Man in any way, all credit goes to ONE.
I woke up one day as usual and did everything as I always did on a Sunday morning. Brush my teeth, comb my hair, and clean up my mechanical arm. I lost my arm a while ago in a bus accident. The bus was attacked by a monster which resulted in the deaths of almost everyone in the bus. I was lucky to be alive but I was left with a horrible reality that life is very fragile and a mechanical arm. The memory still lingers in my head but I got over it pretty quick, no need to dwell. I booted up my laptop and checked the news as I usually do. The heroes of J-City are doing a fine job protecting it, no surprise. I typed away on my laptop and opened a new tab, viewing the list of S-class heroes. One in particular always caught my eye: Genos, the Demon Cyborg. I always felt as if we can relate since we both have robotic parts but his serious demeanor tells me otherwise. Besides, I thought he was the coolest looking out of all the heroes. I always felt a little weird when I saw a picture of him or read about him online and I never understood it.
“Would it kill this guy to smile?” I sighed, rolling my eyes.
I shook my head but couldn’t help chuckling at how dumb I sounded. I read about the other heroes such as Mumen Rider, Tornado of Terror, and Metal Knight to name a few. Anyone who would risk their lives to protect us was pretty cool in my eyes. I’ve met Mumen Rider once when people were lining to get his autograph but it was so crowded that I didn’t get a good view of him. That’s the closest I got to see a hero, at least to my knowledge. I knew a bit about the heroes but not enough to be called creepy. I wasn’t the type of person to freak out and scream if I saw a hero or someone famous, I usually just be myself and try to strike a conversation with them, you know, normal stuff. I thought that most heroes would get annoyed when they see a crazy fan, I know I would. I wasted an hour on my laptop before heading off to the store.
The streets were a little less crowded than they usually are but I still got the occasional stare at my mechanical arm and eye. I entered the nearly packed store with a small flyer in my hand. Today was a huge sale on the entire store which explains the huge amount of people. Grabbing a store basket, I went around the store picking out the things I needed and before long, the store began to slowly become less crowded which made me feel a little better. As I went up and down the lanes, my basket became littered with mostly snacks, TV dinners, and instant soup. My diet wasn’t the best so I added a couple of my favorite vegetables to make up for my abundance of snacks. As I walked down an aisle to get some cereal, I heard a child calling to his mother. His high pitched voice and tiny hand seemed to be directed at me, or more specifically, the cereal in my arm.
“Mommy! We’re too late!” the boy cried. “The last box has just been taken by that girl!”
“Oh don’t worry honey, I’m sure they will put more tomorrow.” The mother comforted. “Go ahead and pick another cereal you like.”
“But I don’t like any of the others here.” the child grumbled.
I stared at the cereal box in my hand before walking up to the child and handing it to him. He looked surprised and only stared right at my face. Oddly enough, he didn’t seem to care much about my mechanical arm more than he was about getting his favorite cereal. He hesitated at first about grabbing the box but I nudged it to him and he took it with glee. The boy ran back to his mother, gripping at her shirt and waving the box around. I couldn’t help but smile.
“Mommy look!” the boy said loudly. “That nice girl gave me her cereal!”
The woman stared at me and I swear I thought I was in trouble. She took her boy by the hand and walked over to where I was. I was surprised to see her smiling at me. I kind of felt good for doing such a nice thing.
“Thank you so much for giving up the last box to my son. You didn’t have to. Are you sure you don’t want it, I mean, you got it first.” She said softly.
“Oh, don’t worry about me, Ma’am. I’m planning to start eating more greens to hopefully counter all the snacks I got.” I replied. “I was gonna get a cereal with more fiber anyways, so no worries.”
“Thank you again, you’re too kind!” The mother turned to her child. “Go and thank the girl for being so nice.” She nudged the boy in my direction.
“Thanks a bunch ma’am!” The boy rushed back to his mother, holding the box in his tiny arms. Both of them gave me one last smile and I returned one of my own, waving them off. I can tell the boy stared at my waving metal arm and the glint in his eyes was obvious. I guess my metal arm was pretty cool to some people or at least that kid.
I decided to get a different brand of cereal to try at home and some milk to wash it down. I finally arrived by the cash register and placed my heavy basket on the side and began to place the products out to pay for them. I noticed the candy shack and pick up a chocolate bar to eat while I walk home. Everything came out a lot cheaper than I thought since I think I had enough food to feed a small family. I gave the cashier the money and took my change back. I walked out of the store and realized that the cashier gave me an extra dollar by accident so I used it on a vending machine to get a water bottle. The walk would be almost a two mile walk so water was a must. The streets were still sparse and didn’t have too many people walking them. I took this chance to gaze at the huge buildings. They were much taller than the apartments I lived in and looked to be in better condition. I would rather live here than where I’m currently at anyways, it’s a lot cleaner and the store is much closer, hell, I might even be able to get a better job.
I continued to stare at the buildings and the advertisement on them until I bumped into someone, or rather, they bumped onto me. I fell to the floor, my water bottle spilling on my shirt and face. I was more annoyed at water getting up my nose than whoever bumped into me. As I picked myself up from the floor, the person who bumped me gave me one of my pocky boxes which must have fell out. The person was a bald man who looked a little frantic. He was holding the same flyer I had about the big sale today. Regardless of how much in a hurry he was in, he still helped pick up my stuff and noticed the flyer fall out from my bag. He stared at it then back at his own before looking directly at me.
“Hey, when does the sale end?” He spoke.
“Uhm… I think it ends around noon.” I looked down at my watch. “In 15 minutes. I would hurry if I were you.”
“Fuuuuuck!” The man ran off in the direction of the store. He ran faster than anyone I met but maybe it was because he was so skinny.
“Huh, he looked familiar... he kinda looks like that cleaning brand dude, Mr. Wash. Must be his bald head.” I said to myself.
I continued on my way, double checking to see if that baldy didn’t take any of my stuff. Everything was still intact, thankfully. I was just about to continue my walk until I heard a voice calling to me. I turned around and my heart almost skipped a beat when I saw who was calling me. Suddenly, that feeling from before returned.
“Hey! You!” He called, his voice deep and stern. “Have you seen my Master run by here?”
“M-Master?” I questioned. My hands felt so cold. My heart continued to beat even faster. “What’s he look like? I saw someone in a rush just a couple minutes ago.
“About my height, plaid shirt, bald."
[font=Arial, sans-serif] “Oh, yeah, he ran to the store just a few moments ago. I’m sure you’d find him there.” I pointed in the direction of the store with my metal arm but I didn’t want this man to leave. [/font]
“Thanks.” He prepared to run after the man but I quickly stopped him before he left. I had to think of something quick.
“W-Wait!” I called out. “You’re… Genos, Demon Cyborg Genos, right?”
“I don’t do autographs.” He said rather coldly.
“I don’t want an autograph.” I secretly did. “I just want to… uhh, say thank you for protecting us. I assume you must get a lot of letters saying thanks anyways.”
Genos only looked at me as if he was angry but then again, he always looks mad. He nodded at me and ran off. I wanted to say more to him but I only assumed that he must be doing his job. Whoever that bald man was, he was about to get his ass kicked by Genos. I watched Genos until his body disappeared between the buildings. My heart continued to race even after he was gone but I guess it must’ve been the thought of finally seeing an S-Class Hero, and my favorite one at that! I walked home with a smile on my face. For the first time in a while, I felt like I was walking on the clouds. Even when I arrived home, I couldn’t help but write down my little adventure in my dairy. It was the first time in a long time I last written in it anyways. I wrote while I ate my dinner and watched TV. The day flew by really quick and I felt as if the feeling I have for Genos was an obvious crush. A piece of my head told me that Genos was only serious for his job but my heart told me that this is most likely a one-sided relationship. I didn’t know what to believe but I doubt I would ever see Genos again to even see how he feels about getting to know me, let alone like me. I let out a desperate sigh since I couldn’t argue with facts. I finished the final sentences on my diary before heading off to bed for work tomorrow.
Dear Dairy,
I met S-Class Hero, Demon Cyborg Genos today. He looked a lot cooler up close. I couldn’t strike up a conversation with him because he seemed busy. I thought I sounded so stupid in front of him anyways. I only thanked him which was stupid because he gets thank-you letters every-friggin-day! He must think I’m an idiot! That’s what I get for not taking that speech class… On a lesser note, I’m pretty lucky the two guys who pick on me weren’t here today, they would’ve mugged my snacks for sure. I hope they don’t come by tomorrow either. Or ever. Well, I have to head to work tomorrow, I should talk with Lisa about the situation. Good night, diary!
“Would it kill this guy to smile?” I sighed, rolling my eyes.
I shook my head but couldn’t help chuckling at how dumb I sounded. I read about the other heroes such as Mumen Rider, Tornado of Terror, and Metal Knight to name a few. Anyone who would risk their lives to protect us was pretty cool in my eyes. I’ve met Mumen Rider once when people were lining to get his autograph but it was so crowded that I didn’t get a good view of him. That’s the closest I got to see a hero, at least to my knowledge. I knew a bit about the heroes but not enough to be called creepy. I wasn’t the type of person to freak out and scream if I saw a hero or someone famous, I usually just be myself and try to strike a conversation with them, you know, normal stuff. I thought that most heroes would get annoyed when they see a crazy fan, I know I would. I wasted an hour on my laptop before heading off to the store.
The streets were a little less crowded than they usually are but I still got the occasional stare at my mechanical arm and eye. I entered the nearly packed store with a small flyer in my hand. Today was a huge sale on the entire store which explains the huge amount of people. Grabbing a store basket, I went around the store picking out the things I needed and before long, the store began to slowly become less crowded which made me feel a little better. As I went up and down the lanes, my basket became littered with mostly snacks, TV dinners, and instant soup. My diet wasn’t the best so I added a couple of my favorite vegetables to make up for my abundance of snacks. As I walked down an aisle to get some cereal, I heard a child calling to his mother. His high pitched voice and tiny hand seemed to be directed at me, or more specifically, the cereal in my arm.
“Mommy! We’re too late!” the boy cried. “The last box has just been taken by that girl!”
“Oh don’t worry honey, I’m sure they will put more tomorrow.” The mother comforted. “Go ahead and pick another cereal you like.”
“But I don’t like any of the others here.” the child grumbled.
I stared at the cereal box in my hand before walking up to the child and handing it to him. He looked surprised and only stared right at my face. Oddly enough, he didn’t seem to care much about my mechanical arm more than he was about getting his favorite cereal. He hesitated at first about grabbing the box but I nudged it to him and he took it with glee. The boy ran back to his mother, gripping at her shirt and waving the box around. I couldn’t help but smile.
“Mommy look!” the boy said loudly. “That nice girl gave me her cereal!”
The woman stared at me and I swear I thought I was in trouble. She took her boy by the hand and walked over to where I was. I was surprised to see her smiling at me. I kind of felt good for doing such a nice thing.
“Thank you so much for giving up the last box to my son. You didn’t have to. Are you sure you don’t want it, I mean, you got it first.” She said softly.
“Oh, don’t worry about me, Ma’am. I’m planning to start eating more greens to hopefully counter all the snacks I got.” I replied. “I was gonna get a cereal with more fiber anyways, so no worries.”
“Thank you again, you’re too kind!” The mother turned to her child. “Go and thank the girl for being so nice.” She nudged the boy in my direction.
“Thanks a bunch ma’am!” The boy rushed back to his mother, holding the box in his tiny arms. Both of them gave me one last smile and I returned one of my own, waving them off. I can tell the boy stared at my waving metal arm and the glint in his eyes was obvious. I guess my metal arm was pretty cool to some people or at least that kid.
I decided to get a different brand of cereal to try at home and some milk to wash it down. I finally arrived by the cash register and placed my heavy basket on the side and began to place the products out to pay for them. I noticed the candy shack and pick up a chocolate bar to eat while I walk home. Everything came out a lot cheaper than I thought since I think I had enough food to feed a small family. I gave the cashier the money and took my change back. I walked out of the store and realized that the cashier gave me an extra dollar by accident so I used it on a vending machine to get a water bottle. The walk would be almost a two mile walk so water was a must. The streets were still sparse and didn’t have too many people walking them. I took this chance to gaze at the huge buildings. They were much taller than the apartments I lived in and looked to be in better condition. I would rather live here than where I’m currently at anyways, it’s a lot cleaner and the store is much closer, hell, I might even be able to get a better job.
I continued to stare at the buildings and the advertisement on them until I bumped into someone, or rather, they bumped onto me. I fell to the floor, my water bottle spilling on my shirt and face. I was more annoyed at water getting up my nose than whoever bumped into me. As I picked myself up from the floor, the person who bumped me gave me one of my pocky boxes which must have fell out. The person was a bald man who looked a little frantic. He was holding the same flyer I had about the big sale today. Regardless of how much in a hurry he was in, he still helped pick up my stuff and noticed the flyer fall out from my bag. He stared at it then back at his own before looking directly at me.
“Hey, when does the sale end?” He spoke.
“Uhm… I think it ends around noon.” I looked down at my watch. “In 15 minutes. I would hurry if I were you.”
“Fuuuuuck!” The man ran off in the direction of the store. He ran faster than anyone I met but maybe it was because he was so skinny.
“Huh, he looked familiar... he kinda looks like that cleaning brand dude, Mr. Wash. Must be his bald head.” I said to myself.
I continued on my way, double checking to see if that baldy didn’t take any of my stuff. Everything was still intact, thankfully. I was just about to continue my walk until I heard a voice calling to me. I turned around and my heart almost skipped a beat when I saw who was calling me. Suddenly, that feeling from before returned.
“Hey! You!” He called, his voice deep and stern. “Have you seen my Master run by here?”
“M-Master?” I questioned. My hands felt so cold. My heart continued to beat even faster. “What’s he look like? I saw someone in a rush just a couple minutes ago.
“About my height, plaid shirt, bald."
[font=Arial, sans-serif] “Oh, yeah, he ran to the store just a few moments ago. I’m sure you’d find him there.” I pointed in the direction of the store with my metal arm but I didn’t want this man to leave. [/font]
“Thanks.” He prepared to run after the man but I quickly stopped him before he left. I had to think of something quick.
“W-Wait!” I called out. “You’re… Genos, Demon Cyborg Genos, right?”
“I don’t do autographs.” He said rather coldly.
“I don’t want an autograph.” I secretly did. “I just want to… uhh, say thank you for protecting us. I assume you must get a lot of letters saying thanks anyways.”
Genos only looked at me as if he was angry but then again, he always looks mad. He nodded at me and ran off. I wanted to say more to him but I only assumed that he must be doing his job. Whoever that bald man was, he was about to get his ass kicked by Genos. I watched Genos until his body disappeared between the buildings. My heart continued to race even after he was gone but I guess it must’ve been the thought of finally seeing an S-Class Hero, and my favorite one at that! I walked home with a smile on my face. For the first time in a while, I felt like I was walking on the clouds. Even when I arrived home, I couldn’t help but write down my little adventure in my dairy. It was the first time in a long time I last written in it anyways. I wrote while I ate my dinner and watched TV. The day flew by really quick and I felt as if the feeling I have for Genos was an obvious crush. A piece of my head told me that Genos was only serious for his job but my heart told me that this is most likely a one-sided relationship. I didn’t know what to believe but I doubt I would ever see Genos again to even see how he feels about getting to know me, let alone like me. I let out a desperate sigh since I couldn’t argue with facts. I finished the final sentences on my diary before heading off to bed for work tomorrow.
Dear Dairy,
I met S-Class Hero, Demon Cyborg Genos today. He looked a lot cooler up close. I couldn’t strike up a conversation with him because he seemed busy. I thought I sounded so stupid in front of him anyways. I only thanked him which was stupid because he gets thank-you letters every-friggin-day! He must think I’m an idiot! That’s what I get for not taking that speech class… On a lesser note, I’m pretty lucky the two guys who pick on me weren’t here today, they would’ve mugged my snacks for sure. I hope they don’t come by tomorrow either. Or ever. Well, I have to head to work tomorrow, I should talk with Lisa about the situation. Good night, diary!
I hope I kept Genos in character as best I can.
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