Of Angels and Demons

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Sep 4, 2015
DISCLAIMER: This RP uses characters and elements seen in Vegetto's Dread Master continuity, but this is a SEPARATE reality. In short, this is the original universe/story. The elements are, however, slightly modified, as to fit into an RP format. 

WARNING: This series pulls inspiration and modifies several elements from Christianity. If you feel like this would offend you, turn away now. This is the only warning you're getting. 

A world without god. Crazy, right? Of course, not everybody believes that the Christian God exists. However, as several people like teenager Oriko Hikamura would come to learn, he is indeed real, and very dead. They will experience the life of godhood though a fragment of his essence, aptly named "God Essence". Their lives as they knew it would end, their newly found status making them a high value target to demons. You now have to dedicate the rest of eternity defending both humanity and yourself from the impending war.

This is my first attempt to create an original story (not including the Ragnarok series, which stood in the grey area between "original" and "inspired"). I intend to carry this through as a series with multiple roleplays spanning a long time.


Factions: Angels (playable), demons (playable) and fallen angels (more details to come on these guys later. Not playable at the start of the series.

People/Beings of interest:

The Christian God: The former omnipotent leader of Heaven. Gave his life for a reason that only the top dogs in Heaven know about. His essence is split into several pieces that can be inserted into certain human beings to partially ascend them.
Lucifer: The leader of the demons and a primary antagonist of the series.
Satan: ????????
The Mazoku: ???????
Ddraig: The Welsh Dragon. An interpretation of the dragon of same name from Ichiei Ishibumi's Highschool DxD series, which in turn is based off the red dragon of welsh lore. Sealed in a gauntlet that gets passed to a random human from generation to generation.
Albion: The Vanishing/White Dragon. An interpretation of the dragon of same name from Ichiei Ishibumi's Highschool DxD series, which in turn is based off the white dragon of welsh lore. Sealed in a pair of wings that gets passed to a random human from generation to generation.


Heaven: A location seen previously in the Open World section, this steampunk interpretation of the angels' homeworld is a hub for angels to go between Heaven and multiple worlds.
Hell: Another location in the Open World section, it looks and functions very similarly to its religious counterpart, being a place void of life, minus demons. Sin reigns free here.

Onigashima: The home of the Oni, a race similar to the demons, yet very different.


Boosted Gear: A gauntlet that can double the power of the wielder every 10 seconds. If the wielder is powerful enough, they can summon a full set of armor that allows them to boost their power an infinite number of times. Hosts Ddraig's soul.

Divine Dividing: A pair of wings that can half the power of an enemy and transfer it to the wielder every 10 seconds. If the wielder is powerful enough, they can summon a full set of armor that allows them to half an enemy's power an infinite number of times. Hosts Albion's soul.

God Fragment: A fragment of the essence of god. Grants immense power, but the wielder will be limited at first. It has been theorized that a person who has all of the fragments will turn into the Christian God himself.

Satan Fragment: ???????

More to come soon..
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