Happy Birthday Boogaloo!

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~ Z ~

Black Jacket
Sep 3, 2015
The Cosmos~!

Source: http://cakes.hudld.com/cool-birthda...s/cool-birthday-cake-designs/[/SIZE][/CENTER]


Let's all come together to celebrate Boogaloo's lovely year of being on this harsh Internet. Let's give thanks to everyone who helped out and participated in making Boogloo the strong and growing site that she is. We may be young but we still have many years to come! Over the year, we've grown a bit as a community and learn to look out for each other, now that we've learned to spot the mistakes, we can only grow farther each day. Boogaloo is open to everyone so feel free to share her with your friends! The more the merrier, right? Let's give a special thanks to our Staff for being there when we need them and for fixing up Boogaloo when she was down. Let's give a bigger thanks to our members who love to come on and enjoy some time with their friends or add their views to Boogaloo. This isn't just Boogaloo's birthday but this is her way of saying thank you to everyone! Give yourself a pat on the back because you helped build Boogaloo to what she is today and we thank each and every single one of you. Keep up the great work and let's hope for another, better year.

Thank you to all our members! We couldn't have done this without you!

- Love, The Boogaloo Crew~!
Happy Birthday Boogaloo! Man, it's been a year since this site was created. Time flies extremely fast! :p
A full year already? Dang time flies too quickly now, I need to work harder on that time machine, ar at lead sestroy a few hundred-thousand more chronotons/tachions...
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