Five Nights.... Sister Location?


A Star Is Born!
Sep 3, 2015
Five Nights at Freddy's 4 was supposed to be the final game in the animatronic horror series, except, of course, for that spin-off we'd all probably rather forget. Now there is to be another FNaF, seemingly titled Sister Location, as teased on creator Scott Cawthon's site.
The title, the accompanying image, and the text in front of it ("There was never just one") all seem to hint at another branch of the 'Freddy Fazbear's Pizza' restaurant that freaked us all out in the original game... 

There's nothing more to go on that, but fans of rampant speculation might want to check out the various Five Nights at Freddy's Steam forums.

... reviewers would be quite keen for the next game to shake up the formula a wee bit—if, indeed, Sister Location will be styled after the main four games at all.

While there is no game out or seemingly much of anything besides this, it's still worth posting here. If any more updates are found by checking Scott's website or an official trailer, feel free to post it.

Even though I thought the guy swore off of making any more games, I guess he only meant making sequels. :p It might be a side game being made for the sake of lore, it might be another jumpscarefest, or it might be yet another jumpscarefest with some rather ridiculous hoop-jumping for some hints to find a story. Or maybe it's time to stop.

Thoughts? All speculation is welcome.
The only thing I can think of is during production for the animatronics at fredbears this one must have been abandoned or something. I lost interest for a while after the halloween update. Not many other fnaf theorists can make any great least the ones on Facebook.
My interest in the series dropped once the fourth game came out, but I'm never one to leave things unchecked after a while.

It'll probably be an abandoned one though I'm not sure what a guy can come up with after 4 games covering whatever "story" has developed. Or it could just be the old building of Fredbear's remodeled or something. If he plans on redoing FNAF World, I guess it could be an inbetween project.

[font='Helvetica Neue', Arial, sans-serif]"So it's your fault then, for my misery. It's never enough for you people." (Scott Cawthon starts giving the blame to the player for forcing him to make more sequels for FNaF.)[/font]

Found this from the Wiki on him as a boss. Perhaps it's going to be a self aware game. Lol
Hey Loopy that quote is from the terrible spin off where Scott's the hard mode boss who the players kill for their own amusement. Not the new one...

Also, it's mentioned in FNAF 3 that one of the spring loaded suits (like 3's Spring Trap / Spring Bonnie and Golden Fredbear) horribly crushed one of the employees at a sister location and that's why Spring Trap ends up being found in the closed up storage room unleashed in 3, where you know, it killed Purple Guy.
I know. It's still pretty funny though.

I don't think it'd be that specific sister location, but we'll see. It'd be cool if you can actually move around and see their bodies move entirely. The "novelty" of sitting in one place has worn off quite a long time ago.
The series would've worked better as a series of movies. Maybe. The video game approach at least forces people to dig to get the secrets themselves rather then hitting "scene select."
Let's just hope he learns from all the faults of the previous games and makes this the best one.
Making the animatronics full animated like he did in the last 2 games and what not. Story ain't gonna matter if the game itself sucks.
My philosophy behind making a story have uncoverable stuff by deliberately searching for it is probably not making the gameplay repetitive/nothing but jumpscares (its reelly scery you guis)

The problem that became increasingly apparent was that in I think FNAF3 (?) you have to punch in some ridiculous combination of numbers to access the backstage games. I don't think people who aren't looking into figuring out the lore would easily figure it out. Finding these clues out feel more like a chore to look through than an experience. Meanwhile the fear value still banks on the anticipation that you will be jumpscared and a possible phobia of being watched/mannequins/animatronics.

If we could actually move around while avoiding them, it would have a better fear value I think since it's a common fear of being chased by something unknown and with surround sound? Damn dude.
I would like to see them fully animated and we can actually see them moving rather than randomly show up. I honestly thought they would be moving in the second game but instead we just got them standing in front of you. 

Faceless Bonnie is probanly the only thing that has actually upset me. Aside from the zombie called Springtrap. That was legitimately creepy and had so much potential to be played into. But it was just another jumpscare (and his isn't even that scary all he does is lean towards you)
LoopyPanda said:
My philosophy behind making a story have uncoverable stuff by deliberately searching for it is probably not making the gameplay repetitive/nothing but jumpscares (its reelly scery you guis)

The problem that became increasingly apparent was that in I think FNAF3 (?) you have to punch in some ridiculous combination of numbers to access the backstage games. I don't think people who aren't looking into figuring out the lore would easily figure it out. Finding these clues out feel more like a chore to look through than an experience. Meanwhile the fear value still banks on the anticipation that you will be jumpscared and a possible phobia of being watched/mannequins/animatronics.

If we could actually move around while avoiding them, it would have a better fear value I think since it's a common fear of being chased by something unknown and with surround sound? Damn dude.
I would like to see them fully animated and we can actually see them moving rather than randomly show up. I honestly thought they would be moving in the second game but instead we just got them standing in front of you. 

Faceless Bonnie is probanly the only thing that has actually upset me. Aside from the zombie called Springtrap. That was legitimately creepy and had so much potential to be played into. But it was just another jumpscare (and his isn't even that scary all he does is lean towards you)

To be fair Springtraps jumpscares aren't what made him creepy at all. Its all his other animations. The way he quickly hides if you see him at the door.The way h slightly hides on the other side of the doorway. The way he stares at you will full intentions of wrecking your shyt behind the glass. How he stares at you in the cameras almost like he saying "I know that you making that noise you fu**er just you wait". That is what legitimately made me fear him. He should find a way to bring that feeling back in. In part one you know thy are coming because of their position in the hallways. On 3 you see and hear them coming.
If only you saw him ambling through the hall like the beat up Freddy bot did. Though I see people insist his jumpscare is scary. It'd be way more creepy if in the background you could hear echoes of the spring lock mechanisms failing since he's technically haunting you. The ambience of FNAF3 didn't really do it for me.
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