Evangelion Podcast (w/ Frodanis, Alythebrave, and Abridgelion)

Nice podcast there! I freakin' love Evangelion, that's my favorite anime. Like that anime in the 90s thing too, that had such a Toonami promo vibe! Gotta say personally re: the after 3.0 +1.0 thing, I kinda hope Anno moves on and makes a new original something, be it a move or a series. Honestly, right now there's a case to be made for him being a one trick pony, was that his ONLY original work? I know His and Her Circumstances was an adaptation and that Hayao Miyazaki actually came up with the idea for Nadia but basically left it on the table at NHK.
JamesYTP said:
Nice podcast there! I freakin' love Evangelion, that's my favorite anime. Like that anime in the 90s thing too, that had such a Toonami promo vibe! Gotta say personally re: the after 3.0 +1.0 thing, I kinda hope Anno moves on and makes a new original something, be it a move or a series. Honestly, right now there's a case to be made for him being a one trick pony, was that his ONLY original work? I know His and Her Circumstances was an adaptation and that Hayao Miyazaki actually came up with the idea for Nadia but basically left it on the table at NHK.

I'm glad you enjoyed the podcast! (Me and some buddies are trying to get another one going, but scheduling is terrible so who knows when that'll happen)

the toonami promo vibe was exactly what I was going for. I'm glad I nailed it essentially. The intro eps of "Anime and the 90s" is already up on Youtube and will eventually be posted on here (the first eps is alot more personal in comparison to the historical aspect of the future eps's to come). The next eps after it will feature the Toonami style intro you saw.

Also, to answer your question on Anno's past original works, He both directed and wrote Gunbusters. It's a interesting OVA which I actually mention in my Eva Analysis (which I'll post on this forum eventually as well).

P.S. if you want to be kept up to date on what projects I'm looking into doing, follow me on FB or twitter (I'm more dedicated to FB, but either will eventually get you info) https://www.facebook.com/GendosWhippingPost  https://twitter.com/script_weaver
Ah just saw that, interesting. So that's 2 original works he's created. Do you happen to know if anyone has the rights to Gunbusters in America?
JamesYTP said:
Ah just saw that, interesting. So that's 2 original works he's created. Do you happen to know if anyone has the rights to Gunbusters in America?

Yes I know who owns the rights (Or at least did last time I checked). It was Bandai Visual USA under the alternate label name "Honneamise". In case your wondering, yes, there's a US DVD release of Gunbusters, but it doesn't have a Dub. It's just Sub.
Hm...Bandai Visual USA has been closed if I'm not mistaken, so has Bandai Entertainment USA sadly.
JamesYTP said:
Hm...Bandai Visual USA has been closed if I'm not mistaken, so has Bandai Entertainment USA sadly.

That might explain why the DVDs are a bit pricey (ranging from 30-50$).
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