DBZ: Dominion War


Super Giant Star
A Star Is Born!
Sep 4, 2015
The Netherlands
Some time after Brachi, her family and friends recovered from the Gyges Disaster, it appeared that peace reigned in their home universe. But as usual, peaceful moment aren't meant to last.

Martian Intelligence, which had settled in an orbital base in close proximity of Planet Frieza 68, the main base of Operations for Shonfu, Tamar and the former members of the Cold Prime Strike Fleet, has reported unusual activity in the more distant planets of the galaxy, notably the planets whom either are or were in control of the Planet Trade Organization as well as the very planets they had fought enemy forces before, including a desert planet known as Ixmucane. 

When a renegade Arcrosian seeks contact with the Z-Fighters, he reveals that a powerful organization known as Microsol, which hails from the planet Ixmucane, has made an alliance with the hardcore branch of the Planet Trade Organization, unified with a single goal; total domination of the universe. 

This could be seen as the potential last stand of what was once a feared organization, whom had either conquered or destroyed countless planets during their years of uprising, wiping out or even absorbing many civilizations in their wake, now nothing more than the laughing stock of the galaxy, unable to hold their grasp on what remains of the planets under their control due to revolts of the local populace, reclaiming independence, or otherwise being faced with rivalries from divisions whom had successfully defected from the main organization, seeking their own path in life. 

With the new alliance in place, various worlds whom had regained their independence have once again fallen under the thumb of the Planet Traders and they plan to take over the worlds held by the Earthling-Martian Federation. Not wanting to let them be subjected under their rule, the Earthling-Martian Federation have no choice but to prepare for war... which could be a costly one...
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