Burn! For Everlasting Light!


Blue Jacket
Sep 3, 2015
The respawn menu
Loopy and I only. The Trilogy is complete. B|

Nova is out on his morning run before the sun rises. He and Eve had just brought back a bunch of scrap metal and other stuff from a lot the day before and he was figuring out what to do with it all.
Nova does a few martial arts exercises and swings at a tree stump a couple times before heading home.

"Good morning."
"Time to figure out what to do with all that scrap metal." Nova points out. ouo
"We can look through it and figure it out on the way." Nova suggests.

He starts pulling stuff off the cart. ouo
"Good. And I can make a crib for when we watch Gregia. I would just need a pillow or blanket." ouo
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