Anime that made you cry


Green Jacket
Sep 5, 2015
Do you have one? Or if you don't, do you have one that made you really sad?
It doesn't even have to be a sad series, even one scene is just fine.
Clannad and Clannad: After Story made me cry. Especially After Story. The things that happen to Tomoya, Nagisa and Ushio are just heartbreaking.
Luxtra said:
Grave of the Fireflies.

This movie is beautiful and utterly depressing at the same time T_T

Oh god even thinking about this movie makes me nauseous.D:
I don't think I've ever cried this hard because of a series/movie in general.
(I've seen it like three times in the span of three days and cried everytime) But no way hose am I gonna try watching this again soon. xD
This thread makes me seem like a crybaby but i rarely cry watching stuff.. i only die on the inside :smile:

But episode 6 of Somali to Mori no Kamisama caught me off guard and I bet that if I wasnt actively trying not to  cry, i probably would have  :katcry:
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